发布时间:2011-8-30 14:08:00||  点击:2394次||  文章分类:翻译学习||  发布人:翻译家(Fanyijia.com)

同一事物因为着眼点不同,有不同的汉英说法(Discrepant Expressions of the Same Things or Ideas in Different Languages,because They Are Viewed from Different Angles)
    鼻梁 nose bridge
    米粉 rice-noodles
    打平伙 go Dutch
    方便面 instant noodles
    速溶咖啡 instant coffee
    (女)爱情骗子 man-eater
    (男)爱情骗子 lady-killer
    换脑筋 brain-washing
    凉(冰)粉 wild fruit jelly
    讨厌的人(或事 )pain in the neck
    白条子IOU (I owe you money or sth else)
    社会渣滓 bottom dregs;flotsams;lees;sediments
    stand down 暂停
    yellow boy 金币
    wet snow 雨夹雪
    free living 奢侈的生活
    small talk 家常话
    wet paint 油漆未干
    easy money 轻易攒来的钱
    ghost town (被遗弃的)空城
    a laughing stock;a standing joke 笑柄
    public school (英国的)私立学校(cf. private school)
    pay phone公共电话 (也有人偶尔说public phone)
