【问题】If you can neither receive nor bestow benefit,you had better leave that company at once.一句译成“如果你既不能得到好处,也不能给予好处,你最好马上离开那家公司。”不知对否,又请将company的含义及用法举例说明。
(1)一群人(a group of people),例如:
A great company came to the exhibition.(许多人来看展览会。)
(2)为某种目的而集合的人(a number of people combined, esp. one with a common purpose),例如:
The company are now enjoying a feast.(会众正在宴会中。)
He kept me company.(他陪伴了我。)
A man is known by the company he keeps.(看一个人所交的朋友,就可知道他的好坏。近朱者赤,近墨者黑。)
His father asked him to avoid bad company.(他父亲要他别交损友。)
(5)宾客,来宾(a number of invited guests),例如:
We are expecting company next week. (下星期我们要请客。)
We have company today. (我们今日请客。)
(6)公司,行号(a business organization),例如:
We organized a publishing company.(我们组织一家出版公司。)
(7)(陆军中的)连(the part of an army commanded by a captain),例如:
This company commanded the passage to the fortress.(这连军队控制住通往要塞的路。)
(8)全体船员(a ship's crew),例如:
The ship's company assembled On deck for inspection.(全体船员在甲板上集合,以备检阅。)
(9)剧团(a party of actors playing together),例如:
The play Was staged by a theatrical company.(那出戏由一个剧团演出。)
中国请帖上说的“敬备菲酌,恭候光临”,英译时也用得着company一字,即 request the pleasure of your company at dinner或 request the honour of ’s company at dinner或简单地说 request the company of at dinner.
We have company at dinner.(请客吃饭。)
He always has company on Saturday evenings.(他礼拜六晚上总要请客。)
The cinema company is(或are) holding its(或their) annual meeting.(电影公司正在召开年会。)
在company(普通略作Co.)的前面,&的有无随便,如Smith和另外的一些人合资经营一个商号,普通叫做Smith & Co.,但也可以叫做The Smith Company。凡有&的,前面不可加the(不可说The Smith & Co.);如没有&,则前面用the或不用the皆可。没有姓的公司名,决不可以用&,即不可以说The Cinema & Co.,只能说The Cinema Company。至于The Smith & Jones Company是可以的,因为&并不在company字前,而是用来联结两个人名的。
单独一个公司不可说成复数,但几个公司则是要用复数的,如:the“Big Three” vehicle producing companies(三大汽车制造公司),affiliated companies(分公司)。
现再就作“友伴”解的company举例说明一下。首先使我想到的是培根(F.Bacon)在谈友谊(On Friendship)一文中说:
A crowd is not company,and faces are but a gallery of pictures…when there is no love.(群众并不等于友伴,要是没有爱的话,那些人的面孔不过是画廊中所见到的肖像画罢了。)
王尔德(Oscar Wilde)说:
In married life three is company and two none.(在婚姻生活中,没有孩子是寂寞的。)
Two is company,but three is none.(两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。)
最后请看R.Lynd 在The Shy Father一文中说了什么:
It is not that l dislike the company of women and children;On the whole,I think讧the best company in the world.But,as Bacon has said,a crowd is not company,and the loneliness of a man entirely surrounded by women and children surpasses even the loneliness of a mail isolated in the middle of the Sahara.(并不是我不喜欢有女人和孩子作伴;大概说起来,我想这是世间最好的友伴。不过培根却说群众并不等于友伴,由女人和孩子完全包围着的男人的孤寂,比独自在撒哈拉沙漠当中的一个男人的孤寂尤有过之。)