发布时间:2011-8-30 15:31:00||  点击:2337次||  文章分类:翻译案例||  发布人:翻译家(Fanyijia.com)


Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Technology Market

  第一条 为了促进本市技术市场的健康发展,保障当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法》《中华人民共和国技术合同法》以及其他有关法律、行政法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。

Article 1 With a view to promoting the healthy development of Shanghai municipality's technology market and safeguarding the legal rights and interests of the parties concerned, these Regulations are formulated according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Science and Technology Progress and the Technology Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other related laws and administrative statutes, and in line with this municipality's actual circumstances.

  第二条 公民、法人和其他组织在本市从事技术交易和技术交易服务,适用本条例。

Article 2 These Regulations apply to citizens, legal persons and other organizations engaged in technology trading and technology trading services in this municipality.


Technology trading includes such trading activities as technology development, technology transfer, technology consultation and technology services.


Technology trading services include the services in technology trading places, technology trading brokerage, technology trading consultation, technology appraisal and technology information.

  第三条 本市各级人民政府应当加强对技术市场的培育和扶持,引导技术市场健康发展。

Article 3 The people's governments at various levels of this municipality must strengthen the fostering of and the support for the technology market and then guide the healthy development of the technology market.

  第四条 市科学技术行政部门是本市技术市场的主管部门,负责本条例的实施。

Article 4 The municipal administrative department of science and technology is the competent department of this municipality's technology market, responsible for the implementation of these Regulations.


The municipal, district and county administrative departments of industry and commerce, and taxation, and other relevant departments shall exercise supervision and control over the technology market according to law.

第二章 技术交易准则


  第五条 从事技术交易,必须遵循自愿平等、有偿互利、诚实信用和协商一致的原则。

Article 5 The principle of willingness and equality, payment and mutual benefit, honesty and credit, and unanimity through negotiations must be followed in conducting technology trading.

  第六条 技术交易的当事人应当对其拥有的技术的合法性承担责任。

Article 6 The parties concerned in technology trading shall bear the responsibility for the legality of the technologies they own.


A party concerned is fully aware or should be aware that the other party illegally usurps the technology of other people and yet conducts technology trading with it, that party concerned is deemed to infringe upon other people's technology rights and interests.

  第七条 技术交易当事人转让技术,应当将该技术在实施过程中可能发生的技术风险的责任在合同中约定。

Article 7 When transferring technology, the party concerned in technology trading must arrange in the contract the responsibility of technology risks that may arise during the performance of the technology.

  第八条 技术交易项目的价款、使用费或者报酬,由当事人根据研究开发成本、应用后的经济效益和社会效益、许可使用范围以及技术市场供需状况等因素议定;也可以经无形资产评估机构评估后,由当事人议定。

Article 8 The party concerned shall make a decision on the prices, usage fees or rewards of technology trading items based on such factors as research and development costs, economic and social returns after application of the technology, permissible application scope and the supply and demand situation of technology market. The party concerned may also make a decision after appraisal by the intangible assets appraisal agency.

  第九条 技术的拥有者可以将其技术作价向技术交易当事人另一方投资入股。

Article 9 The owner of technology may fix a price for his or her technology and invest in stocks of the other party concerned in technology trading.

  第十条 从事技术交易,应当根据《中华人民共和国技术合同法》和其他有关法律、法规的规定签订技术合同。

Article 10 In technology trading, a technology contract must be signed according to the provisions of the Technology Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations.

  第十一条 技术交易涉及国家安全、社会公共利益、国家重大经济利益、环境保护,应当遵守有关法律、法规的规定。

Article 11 Technology trading, if involving State security, social and public interests, State's major economic benefits and environmental protection, must observe the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations.

  第十二条 技术交易中禁止下列行为:

Article 12 The following actions are forbidden in technology trading:


1. Stealing or usurping technologies owned by other people to conduct technology trading;


2. Conducting technology trading by means of fraudulence or coercion; or


3. Other actions prohibited by laws and regulations.

第三章 技术交易服务机构


  第十三条 鼓励设立各类技术交易服务机构。设立各类技术交易服务机构,实行许可证制度。

Article 13 Encouragement shall be given to the establishment of various technology trading service agencies. A permit system shall be practiced for the establishment of various technology trading service agencies.


Different kinds of technology trading service agencies must provide places, brokerage, consultation, appraisal, information and other services according to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, and service standards.

  第十四条 各类技术交易服务机构应当遵循公正、公开、公平和客观、真实、科学的原则。

Article 14 Different kinds of technology trading service agencies must follow the principle of justice, openness, fairness, objectivess, truthfulness and science.

  第十五条 设立技术交易服务机构应当具备下列条件:

Article 15 The following requirements must be met for the establishment of technology trading service agencies:


1. Having clear business directions and a corresponding special name;


2. Having specialized personnel and managerial personnel matched to service scope and scale. There must be a certain number of middle-rank and above specialized technicians in the full-time specialized personnel;


3. Having permanent places and necessary funds and facilities; and


4. Having organization rules and service standards.

  第十六条 设立技术交易服务机构应当向市科学技术行政部门提出申请。市科学技术行政部门应当在接到申请书之日起三十日内作出审批决定。对决定批准的,发给《技术交易服务许可证》;对决定不批准的,应当书面通知申请人。

Article 16 For the establishment of technology trading service agencies, applications must be submitted to the municipal administrative department of science and technology, which must make a decision on examination and approval within 30 days after receiving the application form. In cases of a decision on approval, a Permit for Technology Trading Service must be given to the applicant and in case of a decision on disapproval, a written notification to the applicant.


If the municipal administrative department of science and technology fails to make any decision within prescribed period of time for examination and approval, the approval is deemed to be given and a Permit for Technology Trading Service must be issued.


After obtaining the Permit for Technology Trading Service, the operational technology trading service agency must register with the local administrative department of industry and commerce according to the State's relevant provisions to get a license.

  第十七条 本市设立技术市场基金,为加快技术在应用领域的扩散,促进技术市场的发展,提供各种形式的支持

Article 17 This municipality shall establish a fund for technology market to speed up the application of technology, promote the development of technology market and lend support in various forms.


The municipal people's government shall formulate the procedures for the establishment and management of the technology market fund.

第四章 技术市场的管理


  第十八条 市科学技术行政部门的主要职责是:

Article 18 The main functions of the municipal administrative department of science and technology are as follows:


1. To publicize and execute the laws and regulations governing technology market and inspect the technology market for compliance with the relevant laws and regulations;


2. To manage the technology market fund;


3. To take charge of acknowledgment and registration of technology contracts;


4. To examine and approve the establishment of technology trading service agencies;


5. To examine and approve the holding of technology trading fairs jointly with the administrative department of industry and commerce;


6. To conduct uniform examination of the managerial personnel of the technology market operations;


7. To take charge of statistics and analyses of technology market;


8. To commend and reward units and individuals that contribute to bringing about a prosperous technology market; and


9. To deal with illegal actions in technology trading according to law.


The main functions of district and county administrative departments of science and technology are as follows:


1. To publicize and execute the laws and regulations governing technology market, and inspect the technology market in respective district and county for compliance with the relevant laws and regulations;


2. To take charge of acknowledgment and registration of technology contracts in respective district and county;


3. To examine and verify the holding of technology trading fairs in respective district and county and report to the municipal administrative department of science and technology for approval;


4. To take charge of statistics of technology market in respective district and county;


5. To commend and reward units and individuals that contribute to bringing about a prosperous technology market; and


6. To investigate the actions in violation of these Regulations in technology trading in respective district and county and propose treatment suggestions.


The Shanghai municipal technology market office under the leadership of the municipal administrative department of science and technology shall take specific responsibility for the daily management of this municipality's technology market.

  第十九条 公民、法人和其他组织应当加强对拥有的技术的自我保护。

Article 19 Citizens, legal persons and other organizations must enhance the self-protection of technologies owned by themselves.

  第二十条 本市实行技术合同认定和登记制度。技术交易的当事人持所订立的技术合同向技术合同认定登记机构申请认定和登记。经认定和登记的,由技术合同认定登记机构发给认定登记证明。

Article 20 A system of technology contract acknowledgment and registration shall be practiced in this municipality. The parties concerned in technology trading shall apply to the technology contract acknowledging and registering agency for acknowledgment and registration by presentation of the signed technology contracts. After acknowledgment and registration, the technology contract acknowledging and registering agency shall issue an acknowledgment and registration certificate.


After acknowledgment and registration of technology contracts, the parties concerned shall enjoy the related preferential policies of the State and this Municipality. To the contracts without acknowledgment and registration, or with refusal to acknowledgment, the related preferential policies of the State and this Municipality shall not be enjoyed by the parties concerned.

  第二十一条 法人和其他组织可以从技术交易的收益中提取一定比例,作为对该技术项目直接完成人的奖励。

Article 21 Legal persons and other organizations may draw a certain proportion from the returns of technology trading as rewards given to the persons directly involved in the completion of the technology items.

  第二十二条 在技术交易中发生争议时,当事人一方或者双方可以根据技术合同中的仲裁条款或者事后达成的书面仲裁协议,向国家规定的仲裁机构申请仲裁。

Article 22 When a dispute arises in technology trading, one party or both parties concerned may apply to the State-designated arbitration agency for arbitration according to the arbitration articles in the technology contract, or to the written arbitration agreement reached afterwards.


If no arbitration article is concluded in the technology contract, nor is any written arbitration agreement reached afterwards, the parties concerned may file a lawsuit in the people's court.


If one party fails to perform the arbitration adjudication within the time limit set by the arbitration adjudication, the other party concerned may apply to the people's court with jurisdiction for enforcement.

  第二十三条 伪造、骗取技术合同认定登记证明的,由市科学技术行政部门处以五百元以上二千元以下的罚款。非法享受的税收等优惠,由有关部门追回。

Article 23 Those who forge or defraud the acknowledgment and registration certificate of technology contract shall be punished by the municipal administrative department of science and technology with fines between RMB 500 yuan and 2,000 yuan. The privileges as the taxes illegally enjoyed must be recalled by the related departments.

  第二十四条 在技术交易中,违反本条例第十一条规定的,由有关部门依法处理。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 24 In technology trading, violations of the provisions under Article 11 of these Regulations must be handled by the relevant departments according to law. If the violations constitute a crime, the violator shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

  第二十五条 技术交易服务机构在业务活动中有欺骗、胁迫等行为的,由市科学技术行政部门和工商行政部门按照各自职责,根据情节轻重,没收其非法所得,责令改正、停业整顿、直至吊销其《技术交易服务许可证》和营业执照,并处以非法所得一至三倍的罚款。

Article 25 If any technology trading service agency has fraudulent and coercive behavior in operational activities, the municipal administrative department of science and technology and administrative department of industry and commerce shall, according to their respective functions and to the seriousness of the case, confiscate the agency's illicit gains, order it to make correction or to suspend business, to withhold temporarily or rescind its Permit for Technology Trading Service and impose fines of 1 to 3 times its illicit gains.


If any person is engaged in technology trading service activities without a Permit for Technology Trading Service or with a forged or cheated Permit, he/she shall be ordered by the municipal administrative department of science and technology to stop illegal activities, and his/her forged or cheated Permits for Technology Trading Service shall be confiscated. The administrative department of industry and commerce shall confiscate his/her illicit gains and impose fines between RMB 500 yuan and 5,000 yuan.

  第二十六条 技术市场管理人员玩忽职守,贪污受贿,徇私舞弊的,根据情节轻重,由所在单位给予行政处分。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 26 The managerial personnel of technology market who neglect their duties, make embezzlement, accept bribery and engage in malpractice for personal gains shall be given administrative punishments by their work unit according to the seriousness of the case. If the irregularities constitute a crime, the offender shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

  第二十七条 当事人对科学技术行政部门或者其他行政部门的具体行政行为不服的,可以依照《行政复议条例》和《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的规定,申请复议或者提起诉讼。

Article 27 The party concerned, who disagrees with the specific administrative act of administrative departments of science and technology or other administrative departments, may apply for review or file a lawsuit according to the provisions of the Regulations on Administrative Review and the Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China.


If the party concerned neither applies for review nor files a lawsuit nor performs the decision on administrative punishments within the time limit, the administrative department that makes the decision on administrative punishments may apply to the people's court for enforcement.

第六章 附则


  第二十八条 设立各类技术交易服务机构的具体办法和个人从事技术交易服务的管理办法由市人民政府制定。

Article 28 The specific procedures for the establishment of various technology trading service agencies and management procedures for individuals being engaged in technology trading service shall be formulated by the municipal people's government.

  第二十九条 本条例的具体应用问题,由市科学技术行政部门解释。

Article 29 The specific application of these Regulations shall be interpreted by the municipal administrative department of science and technology.

  第三十条 本条例自1995年7月1日起施行。

Article 30 These Regulation shall become effective on July,1,1995.
