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Interim Regulations on Administration of Software Products

  第一条  为了加强软件产品管理,促进我国软件产业和计算机应用事业的发展,推进我国国民经济信息化建设,特制定本办法。

Article One The promulgation of the provisional regulation aims at enhancing the software products management, promoting the development of the software industry and wider computer application, and accelerating the computerization of the national economy.

  第二条  本办法适用于以出售、出租、许可等方式向公众提供的存储在各种载体上的计算机软件的复制品。

Article Two The regulation is applicable to the replication of software carried by all kinds of devices which are provided to the public by way of selling, renting or licensing.


These devices include paper, tape, disc, VCD, semi-transistor storage device, integrated circuit chip and any other form which has the capacity to store information.


 The regulation is not applicable to those software designed or entrusted to be designed by units or individuals for self-use.

  第三条  国家鼓励和支持软件产品的开发、生产、经营活动,以促进软件产业的发展,适应我国计算机应用事业和国民经济信息化建设日益增长的需要。

Article Three The development, production and marketing of software are encouraged for the purpose of carrying forward the development of the software industry, and satisfying the increasing demand for computerization.

  第四条  软件产品的开发、生产、经营、进出口等活动应遵循我国有关法律法规,不得开发、生产、经营、进出口含有以下内容的软件产品。

Article Four Software development, production, management and import and export must not contradict the relevant laws and regulations, and the following is banned:


1. violating intellectual property right.


2. carrying computer virus endangering the computer system.


3. carrying contents forbidden by the government.

  第五条  电子工业部负责全国软件产品的管理。

Article Five The Ministry of the Electronic Industry is in charge of the national software administration.

  第二章  软件产品的登记


  第六条  国家对软件产品实行登记备案制度。

Article Six The state exercises a system of registration and filing over software products.


The National Software Product Management Center under the Ministry of Electronic Industry shall be responsible for the registration numbers and certificates as well as other relevant management affairs.

  第七条  软件产品的登记备案由软件产品的生产单位等提出申请并同时提交以下文件:

Article Seven Application for the registration and filing of software products shall be submitted by the relevant manufacturer together with the following documents:


1. a copy of legal person business license issued by the Administration of Industry and Commerce.


2. the identity certificate of the legal representative and the relevant materials.


3. the valid copyright certificate of the software product, including the valid certificate for holding the copyright by the relevant institution or enterprise or the contract by which the copyright owner gives approval to the relevant organization to produce the software product and the valid copyright certificate for the software.


4. the name, contents, function, the copyright holder, materials concerning the registration and filing of the software copyright as well as the sample and test result of the software product.


5. when the registration is applied for through the delegation of a software manufacturer, the certificate of authorization shall be provided at the same time.

  第八条  进口的软件产品的登记备案由负责进口的单位提出申请,申请时除提交本办法第七条所列的文件外,还应同时提交许可该软件产品进口的有关材料。

Article Eight Application for the registration and filling of an imported software product shall be undertaken by the relevant importer, and apart from the documents stipulated in Article 7 of this regulation, relevant materials granting permission to the importer of the software product shall be provided at the same time.

  第九条  在国内制作的国外软件产品的登记备案由软件产品的制作单位负责提出申请,申请时除提交本办法第七条所列的文件外,还应同时提交许可该软件进口的有关材料。

Article Nine Application for the registration and filing of a foreign software product made domestically shall be undertaken by the relevant software manufacturer, and apart from the documents stipulated in Article 7 of this regulation, relevant materials granting permission to the import of the software product shall be submitted at the same time.

  第十条  软件产品登记项目变更,登记单位应及时到原颁发证书机关办理变更登记手续。

Article Ten In cases of the change of the registered software items, the applicant shall go through the formalities of the change of the registration at the original issuing authorities.

  第十一条  软件产品的生产单位应具备以下条件:

Article Eleven Producers of software shall meet the following requirements:


1. They shall be corporate bodies, established under the approval of the Administration of Industry and Commerce, and the operation of computer software (including software technology development and production) shall be included in their business range.


2. They shall have the necessary conditions and technical ability, for software production.


3. They shall have a fixed place for production.


4. They shall have the means and capability to guarantee the quality of both the product and the production.

  第十二条  软件产品生产单位所生产的软件产品应是本单位拥有、持有著作权或经过著作权人或其他权利人的授权或许可其生产的软件。

Article Twevele The producer shall hold or be franchised or licensed the copyright of the software they produce.

  第十三条  软件生产单位应负责对其生产的软件进行内容检查。

Article Thirteen The software producers shall be responsible for the examination of the contents of their products.

  第十四条  软件产品质量应符合国家有关技术、安全标准和质量认证制度以及相关法律法规的规定。

Article Fourteen The quality of the relevant software shall comply with the relative technology and software standard, and the quality certification system promulgated by the state, as well as the provisions of relevant laws and regulations.

  第十五条  提供给用户的软件产品应在其外包装上标明该软件的名称、版本号、软件著作权人、软件登记号、软件生产单位(或进口单位)及单位地址、生产日期。

Article Fifteen Software for the users shall be marked on the outer package with the name, version number, copyright owner, registration number of the software, as well as the name and address of the producers (or the importer) and the date of production.

  第十六条  提供给用户的软件产品(包括进口的或在国内生产制作的国外软件产品)应配有完备的中文说明书、使用手册等使用文档,并应在产品上或使用文档中,或者以其他书面形式注明提供技术服务的单位、内容和方式。

Article Sixteen The software products provided to users (including foreign software imported or produced locally) shall be accompanied with adequate operation literature in Chinese, such as instructions, operation manuals etc.. The content, mode of technological service as well as its suppliers shall be indicated on the product or in the above- mentioned operation literature, or in other written forms.

  第十七条  进口国外软件产品或在我国制作的国外软件产品应遵循我国有关法律的规定,符合我国技术标准、规范和本办法的规定。严禁进口或在我国制作本办法第四条所列的国外软件产品。

Article Seventeen All foreign software products imported or produced locally shall comply with stipulations of relevant laws, the technology standards and norms of the state and of this regulation. Import or production of foreign software listed in article 4 of this regulation is prohibited.


 For foreign software products that do not comply with the nation's technology standards, norms or this regulation, or evidenced to be inferior in operation, or not up to their promised functions, the competent agencies in charge of software, according to the specific situations, have the authority to decide either to restrict or forbid their importation or local production.

  第十八条  禁止生产盗版软件和解密软件以及主要功能是解除技术保护措施的软件。禁止生产含有本办法第四条所禁止的内容的软件产品。

Article Eighteen Production of pirated software, software for deciphering secret and software with the main function of removing technology-protection measures are prohibited. Production of software containing contents listed in article 4 of this regulation is prohibited.

  第十九条  经国家有关部门批准的光盘生产制作单位不得制作生产未经登记备案的软件产品。

Article Nineteen Laser-disc producers approved by the competent agencies are not allowed to produce software items that have not been registered or filed.

  第四章  软件产品的经营


  第二十条  软件产品的经营主要以代理的方式进行。代理方(软件产品销售单位)与被代理方(软件产品开发者或生产者)之间,总代理与分代理之间应签订书面代理合同。

Article Twenty The management of software products mainly takes the form of agency. Agency agreements in written form shall be signed between agents (sellers of software products) and principals (developers and producers of software products), and between general agents and sub- agent.


Agency agreements shall specify the authority limit, geographical limit, time limit and technical services of the agency relationship, and other necessary contents stipulated by the Ministry of Electronic Industry. Developers and producers may also directly engage in the sale of their software products.

  第二十一条  代理商应在其经营场所的显著位置悬挂代理资格证书,其中应包括代理权限、代理期限、区域、代理级别等内容,并且在对外宣传、广告中如实表达上述内容。

Article Twenty-One Agents are required to put up their agency qualification certificates in a conspicuous position in their business places. The certificates shall include he terms of reference, time limit, geographical limit of agency and agency grading, etc., which are to be accordingly conveyed in the advertisements and other means of publicity run by the agent.

  第二十二条  软件产品的经营单位应以许可证贸易形式经营软件产品。软件经营单位应与生产单位签订书面许可合同,软件经营单位在销售软件产品时,应告知用户阅读许可证文档,并要求用户在阅读后做出是否认可的表示。

Article Twenty-Two Managing institution of software products shall conduct he management in the form of licensing. A written licensing contract shall be signed between the managing and producing institutions. Managing institutions shall notify users to consult licensing files before the sale of software products, and require them to indicate whether to give their approval.

  第二十三条  软件产品经营单位销售的软件产品应符合本办法第十五条、第十六条的规定,并以书面或文档的形式告知用户提供技术服务的单位、内容、方式和服务费用。

Article Twenty-Three The software sellers shall sell the software products according to the stipulations of Article 15 and Article 16 and inform the user of the content, means, the fees and the provider of the relevant technical services in written form or on file.


In case providers of technical services are not specified, the software sellers shall be regarded as the providers of the relative technical services. In case there is no indication of the extra service charges and the specified sum shall be regarded that the relative charges have been included in the price of the products.

  第二十四条  任何单位都不得经营未经登记备案的软件产品;不得经营含有本办法第四条所禁止的内容的软件产品;不得经营或免费提供盗版软件产品、解密软件产品。

Article Twenty-Four No organizations are permitted to deal in software products which have not been registered and filed or software products are with contents provide by Article 4 of this regulation or sell or provide free-of-charge pirated software products deciphering secrets.

  第二十五条  经营计算机等硬件设备的厂商随机配备的软件产品应符合本办法的有关规定。

Article Twenty-Five Software products provided together with hardware, such as computers, shall comply with the relative stipulations of this regulation.

  第二十六条  软件产品的测试版应明确标出并应免费提供,不得营利性销售。

Article Twenty-Six The testing edition of the software products shall be marked clearly and provided free of charge, and shall not be sold for profit.

  第二十七条  软件产品管理部门对软件产品的开发、生产、经营、进出口等活动进行监督检查。

Article Twenty-Seven The Software Product Management Departments are entitled to supervise and inspect such activities concerning software products as research, production, management and imports and exports etc.
