翻译案例 |
发布时间:2011-8-30 21:10:00|| 点击:2419次|| 文章分类:翻译案例|| 发布人:翻译家(Fanyijia.com)
国务院关于整顿边地贸易经营秩序制止假冒伪劣商品出境的通知(1993年9月23日) Circular of the State Council Concerning Rectifying the Order of Frontier Local Trade Management and Checking the Flow of Fake and Low-quality Commodities Across the Border(Promulgated by the State Council on September 23, 1993) 近年来,我国同周边国家边境贸易、地方易货贸易(以下简称边地贸易)迅猛发展,对加快边境地区经济发展,促进我国同周边国家的经贸往来,增进我国与周边国家的友好关系,起了积极作用。 In recent years, the frontier trade and local trade in commodity exchange (hereinafter referred to as frontier and local trade) between China and its neighboring countries has developed rapidly and played an active role in speeding up the economic development of the frontier regions, improving the economic and trade flow and enhancing the friendship. 但与此同时,假冒伪劣商品通过边地贸易及“旅游贸易”等各种渠道不断流入独联体等周边国家市场,损害了当地消费者的利益,严重败坏了我国商品的信誉,对外造成很坏影响。 At the same time, fake and low-quality commodities continuously flow into the markets of the Independent Countries Community and other neighboring countries through frontier and local trade, "tourist trade" and other channels, which has infringed upon the interests of local consumers, severely damaged the reputation of our foreign trade and made a very bad impression abroad. 为制止假冒伪劣商品出境,维护我对外贸易信誉,促进边地贸易健康发展,现就有关问题通知如下: In order to check the flow of the fake and low-quality commodities across the border, safeguard the reputation of our foreign trade and improve the healthy development of frontier and local trade, the following circular is hereby issued concerning this issue. 一、整顿边地贸易经营秩序、制止假冒伪劣商品出境,既是关系边地贸易发展前途和生命力的一件大事,也是关系国家和民族声誉的一个政治问题。 1. To rectify the management order of frontier and local trade and check the flow of the fake and low-quality commodities across the border is not only an important issue in relation to the future and vitality of the development of frontier and local trade, but also a political issue affecting the reputation of our State and nation. 各级人民政府、各有关部门对此要有充分认识,并采取切实有效措施,抓紧抓好这项工作。 The people’s governments at all levels and the departments concerned should fully understand the issue, adopt practical and effective measures and pay close attention to this work. 二、要鼓励、支持中央各部门和各省、自治区、直辖市所属外经贸公司、有进出口经营权的生产企业发挥主渠道作用,采取积极措施,拓展同独联体等周边国家的经贸关系,努力推销出口国产优质合格商品。 2. Companies of foreign economic relations and trade attached to the departments of the Central Government and provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the enterprises with the authority of import and export management should be encouraged and supported to play a leading role in adopting active measures, to expand the economic and trading relations with the Independent Countries Community and other neighboring countries, and try to export the State’s high quality commodities. 外贸公司和经批准有易货贸易经营权的其他各类企业必须依法经营,遵守国家的有关政策、规定,认真贯彻“以质取胜”战略,不收购、不代理经营假冒伪劣商品。 Companies of foreign economic relations and trade and other enterprises with the approved authority of management of exchange of commodities should manage according to the law, abide by the State policy and regulations, implement conscientiously the strategy of "winning over the consumers by offering them quality goods", and decline to purchase or act as an agent to sell the fake and low-quality commodities. 对实行卫生注册登记的出口商品(如饮料、酒类、小食品、罐头、肉类等),外贸公司和其他有易货贸易经营权的企业必须从获得卫生注册登记证书的生产厂家收购出口。 As for the export commodities required for sanitary registration (such as beverages, wine, canned foods, small foodstuffs, meat, etc.), companies of foreign economic relations and trade and other enterprises with the authority of exchange commodities management should purchase them from those factories with the certificate of sanitary registration. 三、各边境省、自治区对挂靠在有边地贸易经营权企业下面并开展对外经营活动的各类企业(即“挂靠公司”),要认真进行清理,今年10月底以前要将清理结果报外经贸部。 3. The frontier provinces and autonomous regions should check conscientiously the various enterprises which are linked with the enterprises with the authority of management of frontier and local trade and carrying out activities of foreign relations and trade (i.e. "linking company"). The result of the check-up should be reported to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade before the end of October this year. 四、要加强对生产企业的质量监督管理工作,禁止生产假冒伪劣产品。 4. The quality control procedures of manufacturing enterprises should be improved in order to halt the manufacture of fake and low-quality products. 对制造和收购出口(或向外国人出售)假冒伪劣产品的企业和个人,要按国务院和有关部门制定的规定进行处罚。 The enterprises and individuals who produce or purchase for export (or sell to aliens) fake and low-quality commodities should be penalized according to the regulations promulgated by the State Council and the departments concerned. 对情节严重、触犯刑律的,要按照全国人大常委会《关于惩治生产、销售伪劣商品犯罪的决定》,移交司法机关,依法追究刑事责任。 Those who have violated the Criminal Law should, according to "The Decision Regarding the Punishment of Criminals Producing and Selling Fake and Low-Quality Commodities" approved by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, be handed over to the judicial organs and investigated for their responsibility in the crime according to law. 对举报生产、销售假冒伪劣商品案的有功人员要给予奖励,保护举报人的合法权益。 Rewards shall be given according to the merits to those who have reported the crime of producing or selling fake and low-quality commodities, while their legal rights and interests shall be protected. 五、公安、检察机关对相互勾结、以各种方式贩运假冒伪劣商品出境的违法犯罪行为要依法及时立案侦察,依法严厉打击破坏边地贸易经营秩序的违法犯罪分子。 5. Public security and procuratorial organs should place a case on file for investigation of the illegal and criminal act of collusion with each other and transportation of fake and low-quality commodities across the border by various means, strike relentless blows at people violating the law or criminals sabotaging the management order of the frontier and local trade. 公安机关要配合工商行政管理机关和技术监督管理机构,坚决清理和取缔加工、生产、储存、销售假冒伪劣商品的窝点,对违法犯罪分子要依法从重惩处。 Public security organ should coordinate with the administrative organs of industry and commerce and the institutions of technological supervision and administration to resolutely check and ban the shelter for processing, producing, storing and selling fake and low-quality commodities and penalize more severely people breaking the law and criminals, according to the law. 六、工商行政管理机关要加强对边民互市和中外民贸市场的管理。 6. The administrative organs of industry and commerce should strengthen the administration of the frontier’s exchange marketing and the frontier market of the Chinese and neighboring countries. 在边民互市或中外民贸市场开展经营活动的工商企业和个体工商户,应严格按照工商行政管理机关核准的经营范围和经营方式进行经营活动。 The industrial and commercial enterprises and individual industrialists or traders engaged in the frontier’s market of exchange and the frontier market of the Chinese and neighboring countries should conduct their trading activities sternly following the management range and pattern verified and approved by the administrative organs of industry and commerce. 经营者在批发商品时必须开具合法票据,禁止无照经营,禁止销售假冒伪劣商品。 Managers should issue legal bills or receipts while wholesaling commodities. It is strictly forbidden to manage without certificates or sell fake and low-quality commodities. 七、各地技术监督管理机构要对边民互市和中外民贸市场经营的商品进行质量监督检查,加强监督抽查和“打假”的力度,并会同有关执法机关对生产和销售假冒伪劣商品的企业和个人依法从严查处。 7. The institutions of technological supervision and administration in the locations should supervise and check the quality of the commodities in the markets of exchange and the frontier market of the Chinese and neighboring countries, reinforce supervision, selective examination and the action of "confiscating the fakes" and, together with the executive organs concerned, severely penalize according to the law the enterprises and individuals producing and selling fake and low-quality commodities. 八、出境旅客个人随身携带自用物品,必须遵守国际旅客运输的有关协定和规定; 8. Travelers leaving the country shall take with them goods for their own use according to the related agreements and regulations concerning international passenger transportation; 无双边或多边协定的,前往独联体各国等国家,应严格按国家和交通运输管理部门有关行李运输的规定办理。 those who go to the countries of the Independent Countries Community which have not signed bilateral or multiple agreements with China should follow strictly the regulations concerning the luggage transportation issued by the State and the administrative organs of communication and transportation. 九、各级商检机构对边地贸易和边民互市贸易出境的商品,一律实行检验。 9. The institutions in charge of import and export commodities inspection at various levels should inspect and examine all the export commodities of the frontier and local trade and markets of exchange. 当前商检的重点是服装、鞋类、电器、食品等商品。 At present the emphasis of inspection is on commodities such as garments, shoes, electronic equipment and foodstuffs. 合同有规定的按合同检验; Commodities which are defined by regulations in the contract shall be inspected and examined according to the contract; 合同规定不明确的按我国有关标准检验;没有合同的凭销售发票按我国有关标准检验。 those without specified regulations in the contract shall be inspected and examined according to the related standard of our country; those without contracts shall be inspected and examined with sale receipts according to the related standards of our country. 对涉及安全、卫生的商品一律按进口国官方的标准要求检验。 The commodities concerning safety or sanitation shall all be inspected and examined according to the governmental standard and requirements of the import country. 经检验不合格的商品,即使外方确认,也不准放行。 The unqualified commodities verified by inspection and examination cannot be passed, even if the importer permits. 无合同、无销售发票、无产地、无生产厂名称的商品不予检验、不得放行。 Commodities without contracts or sale receipts or with no place of production or name of the manufacturer identified shall be neither inspected and examined, nor let pass. 十、海关对进出境旅客携带的行李物品要按有关规定办理进出境手续。 10. Following the related regulations, customs authorities should deal with the luggage carried by passengers both entering and exiting the country. 对中外旅客携运的商业性货物要依照客货分流的原则加强监管。 It should strengthen the supervision of the commercial goods carried by Chinese or foreign passengers according to the regulations of the passenger luggage division. 法定商检货物和本通知规定需要检验的物品,一律凭商检机构出具的检验证书、放行单或在报关单上加盖的印章验放。 Commodities which are required to be inspected and examined by law or the commodities required to be inspected and examined by the regulations in this circular should be verified and let pass only with the certificate of inspection and examination issued by the institutions in charge of import and export commodities inspection, official `let-pass’ documents or the stamp on the declaration form. 中外旅客携运的商业性货物应办理商检、报关和托运手续。 Commercial goods carried by Chinese or foreign passengers shall go through procedures of import and export inspection, customs declaration and consignment. 有报关权的单位均可接受旅客委托,代办报关手续。 The institutions with the authority of customs declaration can be entrusted to go through the procedure of declaration for passengers. 商检机构对报关出口的货物应严格按规定进行商检。 The institution of import and export commodities inspection should inspect the commodities declared for export strictly according to the regulations. 十一、凡经国务院批准开放的边境口岸都必须设立海关和商检机构,并应具备相应的检查检验场所; 11. All the frontier ports approved for opening-up by the State Council must set up customs and institutions of import and export commodities inspection and should have compatible places for inspection and examination; 凡未经国务院批准开放、恢复的一类口岸和未经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准开放的二类口岸,应于1993年底前关闭。 the category-1 ports which are not approved for opening-up or resumption by the State Council and the category-2 ports which are not approved for opening-up by the people’s government of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should be closed by the end of 1993. 季节性的边境口岸也要加强海关监管和商品检验。 The supervision of the customs and the inspection of commodities should also be reinforced at seasonal frontier ports. 已列入我国政府与周边国家政府开放口岸协定的边境口岸,应由外交部统一协调,尽早通过外交途径予以确认; The frontier ports which are listed in the agreements of opening up ports between our country and the neighboring countries should be coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and verified as soon as possible through diplomatic channels. 同时抓紧海关、边防、商检和口岸单位的筹建工作。 At the same time the preparations for the establishment of customs, frontier defenses, import and export commodities inspection and port institutions should be speeded up. 地方人民政府要支持边境口岸机构和设施的建设。 The local people’s government should support the construction of the institutions and facilities of the frontier ports. 十二、各边境省、自治区人民政府近期要组织专门力量,在海关、商检、边检、工商、技术监督及公检法等有关部门共同配合下,认真查处典型案例,依法从严从重惩处。 12. All the people’s governments of provinces and autonomous regions, with the coordination of the customs and the departments concerned of import and export commodities inspection, frontier inspection, administration of industry and commerce, technological supervision and the public security organs, procuratorial organs and people’s courts, should mobilize a special force to investigate and deal with typical cases, and punish strictly and severely. 各口岸的联检机构及各有关部门要在地方政府的领导下,忠于职守、廉洁奉公、密切配合、齐抓共管,将制止假冒伪劣商品出境工作抓出成效。 The institutions of the joint-inspection and the departments concerned should be devoted to their service, be honest in performing their duties, coordinate each other closely, take charge of the issue together, and make progress in the prevention of the flow of fake and low-quality commodities across the border. 更多文章