翻译案例 |
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发布时间:2011-8-30 21:14:00|| 点击:2676次|| 文章分类:翻译案例|| 发布人:翻译家(Fanyijia.com)
国务院办公厅关于在外留学人员有关问题的通知 Circular of the General Office of the State Council Concerning Matters Relating to Students Studying Abroad 广大留学人员热爱祖国,愿意为中华民族的繁荣富强做出贡献。 The vast numbers of students studying abroad love their motherland and are willing to devote themselves to the prosperity and might of the Chinese nation. 他们在外努力学习,许多人取得了可喜的成就,赢得了荣誉。 They study hard and many of them have achieved remarkable success and won honour abroad. 留学人员是国家的宝贵财富,党和政府一贯热情关怀、团结教育广大在国外留学人员。 Students studying abroad are the treasures of the State. The Party and Government have always earnestly cared for, united with and educated the mass of students studying abroad. 祖国期望他们早日学成回国,建功立业。 The motherland wishes that they can succeed in their studies and come home to make contributions and achievements. 为贯彻落实党中央关于出国留学工作的指示精神,适应改革开放形势发展的需要,进一步做好出国留学工作,更好地为我国社会主义建设事业服务,现就在外留学人员的有关问题通知如下: With a view to implementing the spirit of the instructions of the Party Central Committee on the work for going abroad to study, further stepping up the work and serving better the cause of the socialist construction of our country, a circular concerning matters relating to students studying abroad is hereby made as follows: 一、欢迎留学人员回国工作。公派在外学习人员有义务在学成之后回国服务。 1. Students studying abroad are welcome to come home for a job. Those studying abroad at public expense shall have an obligation to return to and serve the country after succeeding in their studies. 所有在外学习的人员,不论他们过去的政治态度如何,都欢迎他们回来,包括短期回国进行学术交流合作,以及探亲、休假。 All students studying abroad are welcome to come home regardless their political positions in the past. They may have a short stay for academic exchange and cooperation, or visit relatives and friends, or take a holiday. 对在国外说过一些错话、做过一些错事的,一律不予追究。 All those who made improper remarks or did wrong things abroad are exempt from investigation. 即使参加了反对中国政府的组织、从事过危害国家安全、荣誉和利益的人员,只要他们退出这些组织,不再从事违反我国宪法和法律的反政府活动,也都一律欢迎回国工作。 Even if those who participated in the anti-Chinese Government organizations and were engaged in activities of endangering the security, honour and interests of the State, so long as they can withdraw from such organizations and no longer be engaged in the anti-Government activities which violate the Constitution and laws of our country, all of them are also welcome to come home for a job. 二、对持过期因公普通护照或一次性出入境因公普通护照的留学人员,可为他们办理护照延期或换发新护照; 2. Students studying abroad who hold an expired common service passport or a common service passport for one exit-entry trip may be permitted to extend or renew their passports. 对要求将因公普通护照换为因私普通护照的,也可给予办理; Applications to change a common service passport into a common private passport may be accepted. 已取得外国国籍的人员应提出退出中国国籍,依照我国国籍法的规定办理,按外籍华人对待。 Those who have acquired foreign nationality shall offer an application to renounce their Chinese nationality, which shall be handled in accordance with the Nationality Law of our country, and they shall be regarded as Chinese of foreign nationality. 三、留学人员申请办理护照延期、换发新护照,以及退出中国国籍手续时,应予办理。 3. Applications submitted by students studying abroad for extension or renewal of their passports, or for renunciation of Chinese nationality shall be accepted. 如与原派出部门或单位有经济及其他未了事宜,应与这些部门或单位协商解决,不影响上述手续的办理。 If they are involved in financial and other unsettled affairs with the originally sending departments or units, the students studying abroad shall seek a settlement through consultation with such departments or units. This will not affect the completion of the above-mentioned formalities. 四、留学人员短期回国后,只要他们持有我国有效护照和外国再入境签证,无须再履行审批手续,即可随时再出境。 4. Students studying abroad may leave the country again after a short stay home without renewing the formalities for approval, provided that they hold our country’s valid passports bearing foreign re-entry visas. 五、派出单位应加强与在外留学人员的联系,主动关心他们的工作和生活。 5. Sending units shall keep in close contact with students studying abroad and take the initiative to care for their work and lives. 留学人员回国后,按"双向选择"的原则,可回原单位工作或自行联系工作,也可以进入"三资"企业工作或自行开办企业等。 Returned students may, according to the principle of "mutual choice", go back to their original work units or seek jobs for themselves, may work in enterprises with foreign investment, or establish their own enterprises. 要鼓励促进国际交流和合作,经所在单位同意,可以在国外兼职。 Exchange and cooperation with foreign countries is encouraged. Returned students may concurrently hold other positions abroad with the content of the units to which they belong. 六、留学人员的家属申请出国探望留学人员,应当允许,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国公民出境入境管理法》审批。 6. Family members of students studying abroad shall be allowed to visit them abroad if they so apply for. The public security organs shall examine the applications according to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Control of the Exit and Entry of Citizens. 七、各地区、各有关部门按照本通知精神落实具体措施,方便在外留学人员回国,简化入出境手续,妥善解决留学回国人员工作、生活上的具体问题。 7. Each locality and each department shall, in the spirit of this Circular, adopt specific measures to make it convenient for students studying abroad to come home, simplify entry and exit formalities and make proper arrangements for work and lives of returned students. 八、在留学回国人员较集中的地方,可由当地政府、有关部门或社会团体根据需要建立留学服务机构,帮助留学人员办理有关事宜,为他们提供各种服务。 8. In places where returned students live concentratedly, local governments, departments concerned or social organizations concerned shall, in the light of actual need, set up service institutions for students studying abroad, which help students studying abroad deal with relevant affairs and provide them with various services. 九、我国驻外使领馆代表国家管理留学事务,应保护我留学人员的合法权益,对他们的学习研究工作和日常生活给予帮助,为他们排忧解难,并及时向他们介绍我国内情况。 9. Our country’s embassies and consulates abroad shall represent the State in handling matters relating to studying abroad. They shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of students studying abroad, help them in their study, research, work and daily lives, relieve them of worries and solve their problems and timely introduce our country’s condition. 要教育他们遵守所在国的法律,努力学习,自尊自爱,与当地人民友好相处,热爱祖国,维护祖国的荣誉和利益,为国争光。 Education shall be given to students studying abroad for the purpose of urging them to observe the laws of the residing countries, studying hard, respecting themselves, getting on well with people in the residing countries, loving the motherland, maintaining the honour and interests of the country and wining glory for the country. 更多文章
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