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中华人民共和国反倾销条例 Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Anti-dumping 第一章总则 Chapter 1 - General Provisions 第一条为了维护对外贸易秩序和公平竞争,根据《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》的有关规定,制定本条例。 Article 1. These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China for the purpose of maintaining the foreign trade order and fair competition. 第二条进口产品以倾销方式进入中华人民共和国市场,并对已经建立的国内产业造成实质损害或者产生实质损害威胁,或者对建立国内产业造成实质阻碍的,依照本条例的规定进行调查,采取反倾销措施。 Article 2. Where an imported product is dumped into the market of the People's Republic of China and causes material injury or threat of material injury to an established domestic industry, or causes material obstruction to the establishment of such an industry, an anti-dumping investigation shall be initiated and anti-dumping measures applied in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. 第二章倾销与损害 Chapter II - Dumping and Injury 第三条倾销,是指在正常贸易过程中进口产品以低于其正常价值的出口价格进入中华人民共和国市场。 Article 3. The term"dumping" means that an imported product is introduced, in the ordinary course of trade, into the market of the People's Republic of China at an export price less than its normal value. 对倾销的调查和确定,由商务部负责。 The Ministry of Commerce (hereinafter referred to as"MOFCOM" shall be responsible for the investigation and determination of dumping. 第四条进口产品的正常价值,应当区别不同情况,按照下列方法确定: Article 4. The normal value of an imported product shall be determined according to the following methods by distinguishing among differing cases: (一)进口产品的同类产品,在出口国(地区)国内市场的正常贸易过程中有可比价格的,以该可比价格为正常价值; (1) where there is a comparable price for the like product of the imported product in the ordinary course of trade in the domestic market of the exporting country (region), such comparable price shall be the normal value; (二)进口产品的同类产品,在出口国(地区)国内市场的正常贸易过程中没有销售的,或者该同类产品的价格、数量不能据以进行公平比较的,以该同类产品出口到一个适当第三国(地区)的可比价格或者以该同类产品在原产国(地区)的生产成本加合理费用、利润,为正常价值。 (2) where there are no sales of the like product of the imported product in the ordinary course of trade in the domestic market of the exporting country (region), or the price and the quantity of such sales do not permit a fair comparison, the normal value shall be the comparable price of the like product when exported to an appropriate third country (region) or the cost of production of the like product in the country (region) of origin plus a reasonable amount for expenses and for profits. 进口产品不直接来自原产国(地区)的,按照前款第(一)项规定确定正常价值;但是,在产品仅通过出口国(地区)转运、产品在出口国(地区)无生产或者在出口国(地区)中不存在可比价格等情形下,可以以该同类产品在原产国(地区)的价格为正常价值。 In cases where a product is not imported directly from the country (region) of origin, its normal value shall be determined in accordance with Item 1 of the preceding paragraph. However, under the circumstances that the product is merely transshipped through the exporting country, or the product is not produced in the exporting country (region), or there is no comparable price for the said product in the exporting country (region), the price of the like product in the country (region) of origin may be taken as the normal value. 第五条进口产品的出口价格,应当区别不同情况,按照下列方法确定: Article 5. The export price of an imported product shall be determined according to the following methods by distinguishing among differing cases: (一)进口产品有实际支付或者应当支付的价格的,以该价格为出口价格; (1) the price actually paid or payable for the imported product shall be the export price; (二)进口产品没有出口价格或者其价格不可靠的,以根据该进口产品首次转售给独立购买人的价格推定的价格为出口价格; (2) in cases where there is no export price for the imported product or the price is unreliable, the export price may be fixed on the basis of the price at which the imported product is first resold to an independent buyer; 但是,该进口产品未转售给独立购买人或者未按进口时的状态转售的,可以以商务部根据合理基础推定的价格为出口价格。 however, if the imported product is not resold to an independent buyer, or not resold in the condition as imported, the export price may be determined on the basis of a reasonable price fixed by MOFCOM. 第六条进口产品的出口价格低于其正常价值的幅度,为倾销幅度。 Article 6. The margin of dumping is the amount by which the export price of an imported product is less than its normal value. 对进口产品的出口价格和正常价值,应当考虑影响价格的各种可比性因素,按照公平、合理的方式进行比较。 A fair and reasonable comparison shall be made between the export price and the normal value of an imported product, with due allowance for factors which affect price comparability. 倾销幅度的确定,应当将加权平均正常价值与全部可比出口交易的加权平均价格进行比较,或者将正常价值与出口价格在逐笔交易的基础上进行比较。 The margin of dumping shall be established on the basis of a comparison of a weighted average normal value with a weighted average of prices of all comparable export transactions or by a comparison of normal value and export price on a transaction-to-transaction basis. 出口价格在不同的购买人、地区、时期之间存在很大差异,按照前款规定的方法难以比较的,可以将加权平均正常价值与单一出口交易的价格进行比较。 Where the export prices differ significantly among different purchasers, regions or time periods, and therefore it is difficult to make comparison through the methods prescribed in the preceding paragraph, a comparison may be made between a weighted average normal value with prices of individual export transactions. 第七条损害,是指倾销对已经建立的国内产业造成实质损害或者产生实质损害威胁,或者对建立国内产业造成实质阻碍。 Article 7. The term "injury" means material injury or threat of material injury to an established domestic industry or material obstruction of the establishment of such a domestic industry. 对损害的调查和确定,由商务部负责; MOFCOM shall be responsible for the investigation and determination of injury. 其中,涉及农产品的反倾销国内产业损害调查,由商务部会同农业部进行。 The anti-dumping investigation of injury to a domestic industry involving agricultural products shall be conducted by MOFCOM jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture. 第八条在确定倾销对国内产业造成的损害时,应当审查下列事项: Article 8. The following factors shall be examined in the determination of injury caused by dumping to a domestic industry: (一)倾销进口产品的数量,包括倾销进口产品的绝对数量或者相对于国内同类产品生产或者消费的数量是否大量增加,或者倾销进口产品大量增加的可能性; (1) whether the volume of dumped imports, including the volume of dumped imports either in absolute terms or relative to the production or consumption of a like domestic product, has been increasing significantly, or the possibility of a significant increase in dumped imports; (二)倾销进口产品的价格,包括倾销进口产品的价格削减或者对国内同类产品的价格产生大幅度抑制、压低等影响; (2) the effects of dumped imports on prices, including the price undercutting by the dumped imports, or the significant suppressing or depressing effects on the price of a like domestic product, etc.; (三)倾销进口产品对国内产业的相关经济因素和指标的影响; (3) the consequent impact of the dumped imports on the relevant economic factors and indices of the domestic industry; (四)倾销进口产品的出口国(地区)、原产国(地区)的生产能力、出口能力,被调查产品的库存情况; (4) the production capacity or export capacity of the exporting country (region) or the country (region) of origin, and inventories of the product under investigation; (五)造成国内产业损害的其他因素。 (5) other factors that may cause or have caused injury to a domestic industry. 对实质损害威胁的确定,应当依据事实,不得仅依据指控、推测或者极小的可能性。 The determination of threat of material injury shall be based on facts and not merely on allegation, conjecture or remote possibility. 在确定倾销对国内产业造成的损害时,应当依据肯定性证据,不得将造成损害的非倾销因素归因于倾销。 When determining the injury caused by dumping to a domestic industry, the determination shall be based on positive evidence, and the injuries caused by factors other than dumping must not be attributed to dumping. 第九条倾销进口产品来自两个以上国家(地区),并且同时满足下列条件的,可以就倾销进口产品对国内产业造成的影响进行累积评估: Article 9. Where the dumped imports from more than one country (region) simultaneously satisfy the following requirements, the effects of such dumped imports on a domestic industry may be cumulatively assessed: (一)来自每一国家(地区)的倾销进口产品的倾销幅度不小于2%,并且其进口量不属于可忽略不计的; (1) the margin of dumping established in relation to the dumped imports from each country (region) is no less than 2 per cent, and the volume of such imports from each country is not negligible; (二)根据倾销进口产品之间以及倾销进口产品与国内同类产品之间的竞争条件,进行累积评估是适当的。 (2) a cumulative assessment of the effects of the dumped imports is appropriate in light of the conditions of competition between the dumped imports and the conditions of competition between the dumped imports and the domestic like product. 可忽略不计,是指来自一个国家(地区)的倾销进口产品的数量占同类产品总进口量的比例低于3%;但是,低于3%的若干国家(地区)的总进口量超过同类产品总进口量7%的除外。 The volume of dumped imports shall normally be regarded as negligible if the volume of dumped imports from a particular country (region) is found to account for less than 3 per cent of the total imports of the like product, unless countries (regions) which individually account for less than 3 per cent of the total imports of the like product collectively account for more than 7 per cent of its total imports of the like product. 第十条评估倾销进口产品的影响,应当针对国内同类产品的生产进行单独确定; Article 10. The effect of the dumped imports shall be assessed in relation to the separate identification of the domestic production of the like product. 不能针对国内同类产品的生产进行单独确定的,应当审查包括国内同类产品在内的最窄产品组或者范围的生产。 If separate identification of that production is not possible, the effect of the dumped imports shall be assessed by the examination of the production of the narrowest group or range of products, including the like domestic product. 第十一条国内产业,是指中华人民共和国国内同类产品的全部生产者,或者其总产量占国内同类产品全部总产量的主要部分的生产者; Article 11. The term "domestic industry" means the domestic producers as a whole of the like products within the People's Republic of China or those of them whose collective output of the product constitutes a major proportion of the total production of those products, 但是,国内生产者与出口经营者或者进口经营者有关联的,或者其本身为倾销进口产品的进口经营者的,可以排除在国内产业之外。 except in cases where domestic producers are related to the exporters or importers or are themselves importers of the dumped imports or like products. 在特殊情形下,国内一个区域市场中的生产者,在该市场中销售其全部或者几乎全部的同类产品,并且该市场中同类产品的需求主要不是由国内其他地方的生产者供给的,可以视为一个单独产业。 In exceptional circumstances, the producers within a regional domestic market may be regarded as a separate industry if the producers within the market sell all or almost all of the like products in that market, and the demand in that market is not to any substantial degree supplied by domestic producers of the like products located in other domestic regions. 第十二条同类产品,是指与倾销进口产品相同的产品;没有相同产品的,以与倾销进口产品的特性最相似的产品为同类产品。 Article 12. The term "like product" means the product that is identical to the dumped product, or in the absence of such a product, another product that has characteristics closely resembling the dumped product. 第三章反倾销调查 Chapter III - Anti-dumping Investigation 第十三条国内产业或者代表国内产业的自然人、法人或者有关组织(以下统称申请人),可以依照本条例的规定向商务部提出反倾销调查的书面申请。 Article 13. Any domestic industry or natural person, legal person or relevant organisation on behalf of the domestic industry (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the applicant") may make a written application to MOFCOM for an anti-dumping investigation in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. 第十四条申请书应当包括下列内容: Article 14. The application shall contain the following information: (一)申请人的名称、地址及有关情况; (1) the name, address and relevant information of the applicant; (二)对申请调查的进口产品的完整说明,包括产品名称、所涉及的出口国(地区)或者原产国(地区)、已知的出口经营者或者生产者、产品在出口国(地区)或者原产国(地区)国内市场消费时的价格信息、出口价格信息等; (2) a complete description of the imported products in question, including the names of products, the exporting countries (regions) or the countries (regions) of origin concerned, the identity of known exporters or producers, information on the prices of the products destined for consumption in the domestic market of the exporting countries (regions) or the countries (regions) of origin, and information on export prices, etc.; (三)对国内同类产品生产的数量和价值的说明; (3) a description of the volume and value of the domestic production of the like product; (四)申请调查进口产品的数量和价格对国内产业的影响; (4) the effect of the volume and price of the imported product in question on the domestic industry; (五)申请人认为需要说明的其他内容。 (5) other information that the applicant considers as necessary to submit. 第十五条申请书应当附具下列证据: Article 15. The application shall be supported by the following evidence: (一)申请调查的进口产品存在倾销; (1) existence of dumping of the imported product in question; (二)对国内产业的损害; (2) injury caused to a domestic industry; (三)倾销与损害之间存在因果关系。 (3) existence of a causal link between dumping and the injury. 第十六条商务部应当自收到申请人提交的申请书及有关证据之日起60天内,对申请是否由国内产业或者代表国内产业提出、申请书内容及所附具的证据等进行审查,并决定立案调查或者不立案调查。 Article 16. MOFCOM shall, within 60 days from the date of receipt of the application and relevant evidence submitted by the applicant, examine whether the application is made by or on behalf of the domestic industry, the contents of the application and the evidence attached thereto, and shall decide whether or not to initiate an investigation. 在决定立案调查前,应当通知有关出口国(地区)政府。 Prior to the decision to initiate an investigation, the government of the exporting country (region) concerned shall be notified. 第十七条在表示支持申请或者反对申请的国内产业中,支持者的产量占支持者和反对者的总产量的50%以上的,应当认定申请是由国内产业或者代表国内产业提出,可以启动反倾销调查; Article 17. An application shall be considered to have been made by or on behalf of the domestic industry and an anti-dumping investigation may be initiated, if the application is supported by those domestic producers whose collective output constitutes more than 50 per cent of the total production of the like product produced by that portion of the domestic industry expressing either support for or opposition to the application. 但是,表示支持申请的国内生产者的产量不足国内同类产品总产量的25%的,不得启动反倾销调查。 However, no investigation shall be initiated when the output of those domestic producers expressly supporting the application account for less than 25 per cent of the total production of the like domestic product. 第十八条在特殊情形下,商务部没有收到反倾销调查的书面申请,但有充分证据认为存在倾销和损害以及二者之间有因果关系的,可以决定立案调查。 Article 18. If, in exceptional circumstances, MOFCOM does not receive any written application for an anti-dumping investigation, but has sufficient evidence of dumping, injury and causality between the two, it may decide to initiate the investigation. 第十九条立案调查的决定,由商务部予以公告,并通知申请人、已知的出口经营者和进口经营者、出口国(地区)政府以及其他有利害关系的组织、个人(以下统称利害关系方)。 Article 19. MOFCOM shall publish the decision to initiate an investigation and notify the applicants, the known exporters and importers, the governments of an exporting countries (regions) and other interested organisations and parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as"the interested parties"). 立案调查的决定一经公告,商务部应当将申请书文本提供给已知的出口经营者和出口国(地区)政府。 As soon as the decision to initiate an investigation has been published, MOFCOM shall provide the full text of the application to the known exporters and the governments of the exporting countries (regions). 第二十条商务部可以采用问卷、抽样、听证会、现场核查等方式向利害关系方了解情况,进行调查。 Article 20. MOFCOM may conduct investigation and collect information from interested parties by, among others, sending questionnaires, using samples, holding public hearings and making on-the-spot verification. 商务部应当为有关利害关系方提供陈述意见和论据的机会。 MOFCOM shall provide opportunities for all interested parties concerned to present their views and supporting arguments. 商务部认为必要时,可以派出工作人员赴有关国家(地区)进行调查;但是,有关国家(地区)提出异议的除外。 MOFCOM may send its staff members to the countries (regions) concerned to carry out investigation if it deems necessary to do so, unless the countries (regions) concerned object to such an investigation. 第二十一条商务部进行调查时,利害关系方应当如实反映情况,提供有关资料。 Article 21. An interested party shall provide authentic information and relevant documentation to MOFCOM in the process of the investigation. 利害关系方不如实反映情况、提供有关资料的,或者没有在合理时间内提供必要信息的,或者以其他方式严重妨碍调查的,商务部可以根据已经获得的事实和可获得的最佳信息作出裁定。 In the event that any interested party does not provide authentic information and relevant documentation, or does not provide necessary information within a reasonable time-limit or significantly impedes the investigation in other ways, MOFCOM may make determinations on the basis of the facts already known and the best information available. 第二十二条利害关系方认为其提供的资料泄露后将产生严重不利影响的,可以向商务部申请对该资料按保密资料处理。 Article 22. An interested party may request MOFCOM to treat the information it provided as confidential if it considers that any disclosure of such information would create significantly adverse effects. 商务部认为保密申请有正当理由的,应当对利害关系方提供的资料按保密资料处理,同时要求利害关系方提供一份非保密的该资料概要。 MOFCOM shall treat the information submitted by the interested party as confidential if they consider that the request for confidentiality is justifiable, and shall require the interested party to provide non-confidential summaries thereof. 按保密资料处理的资料,未经提供资料的利害关系方同意,不得泄露。 The confidential information shall not be disclosed without the permission of the interested party submitting it. 第二十三条商务部应当允许申请人和利害关系方查阅本案有关资料;但是,属于按保密资料处理的除外。 Article 23. MOFCOM shall allow the applicant and interested parties to have access to the information relevant to the investigation, provided that the information has not been treated as confidential. 第二十四条商务部根据调查结果,就倾销、损害和二者之间的因果关系是否成立作出初裁决定,并予以公告。 Article 24. MOFCOM shall, on the basis of their findings, make a preliminary determination on dumping, injury, whether a causal link exists between dumping and injury, and publish the preliminary determinations. 第二十五条初裁决定确定倾销、损害以及二者之间的因果关系成立的,商务部应当对倾销及倾销幅度、损害及损害程度继续进行调查,并根据调查结果作出终裁决定,予以公告。 Article 25. In cases where a preliminary determination on dumping, injury and the causal link between the two is affirmative, MOFCOM shall carry out further investigations on dumping, the margin of dumping, injury and its degree, and, on the basis of their findings, make final determinations respectively. The final determinations shall be published. 在作出终裁决定前,应当由商务部将终裁决定所依据的基本事实通知所有已知的利害关系方。 Before the final determinations are made, MOFCOM shall inform all known interested parties of the essential facts on which the final determinations are based. 第二十六条反倾销调查,应当自立案调查决定公告之日起12个月内结束;特殊情况下可以延长,但延长期不得超过6个月。 Article 26. An anti-dumping investigation shall be concluded within 12 months from the date of publication of the decision to initiate the investigation, and the period may be extended in special circumstances, but in no case shall the extension be more than 6 months. 第二十七条有下列情形之一的,反倾销调查应当终止,并由商务部予以公告: Article 27. In any one of the following circumstances, an anti-dumping investigation shall be terminated and such termination shall be published by MOFCOM: (一)申请人撤销申请的; (1) the application has been withdrawn by the applicant; (二)没有足够证据证明存在倾销、损害或者二者之间有因果关系的; (2) there is not sufficient evidence of the existence of dumping, injury and the causal link between the two; (三)倾销幅度低于2%的; (3) the margin of dumping is less than 2 per cent; (四)倾销进口产品实际或者潜在的进口量或者损害属于可忽略不计的; (4) the actual or potential volume of dumped imports or the injury is negligible; (五)商务部认为不适宜继续进行反倾销调查的。 (5) other circumstances that MOFCOM considers not appropriate to continue the anti-dumping investigation. 来自一个或者部分国家(地区)的被调查产品有前款第(二)、(三)、(四)项所列情形之一的,针对所涉产品的反倾销调查应当终止。 If the product under investigation imported from one country (region) or some countries (regions) falls under one of the circumstances set forth in Item 2, 3, or 4 of the preceding paragraph, the anti-dumping investigation on the said product shall be terminated. 第四章反倾销措施 Chapter IV - Anti-dumping Measures 第一节临时反倾销措施 Section I: Provisional Anti-dumping Measures 第二十八条初裁决定确定倾销成立,并由此对国内产业造成损害的,可以采取下列临时反倾销措施: Article 28. The following provisional anti-dumping measures may be applied if the preliminary determination establishes the existence of dumping and the injury caused by dumping to a domestic industry: (一)征收临时反倾销税; (1) imposition of a provisional anti-dumping duty; (二)要求提供保证金、保函或者其他形式的担保。 (2) provision of deposit, bond or other forms of security. 临时反倾销税税额或者提供的保证金、保函或者其他形式担保的金额,应当不超过初裁决定确定的倾销幅度。 The amount of the provisional anti-dumping duty, cash deposit, bond or other forms of security provided shall not exceed the margin of dumping established in the preliminary determination. 第二十九条征收临时反倾销税,由商务部提出建议,国务院关税税则委员会根据商务部的建议作出决定,由商务部予以公告。 Article 29. The proposal imposing provisional anti-dumping duties shall be put forward by MOFCOM; on the basis of such a proposal the State Council Tariff Commission shall make a decision thereon. 要求提供保证金、保函或者其他形式的担保,由商务部作出决定并予以公告。海关自公告规定实施之日起执行。 The decision shall be published by MOFCOM. The decision on the provision of deposit, bond or other forms of security shall be made and published by MOFCOM. The Customs shall implement the decision from the effective date set forth in the public notice. 第三十条临时反倾销措施实施的期限,自临时反倾销措施决定公告规定实施之日起,不超过4个月;在特殊情形下,可以延长至9个月。 Article 30. The period for applying provisional anti-dumping measures shall not exceed 4 months from the effective date set forth in the public notice regarding the decision on provisional anti-dumping measures, and, in special circumstances, may be extended to 9 months. 自反倾销立案调查决定公告之日起60天内,不得采取临时反倾销措施。 No provisional anti-dumping measures shall be applied within 60 days from the date of publication of the decision to initiate the investigation. 第二节价格承诺 Section II: Price Undertakings 第三十一条倾销进口产品的出口经营者在反倾销调查期间,可以向商务部作出改变价格或者停止以倾销价格出口的价格承诺。 Article 31. During the period of an anti-dumping investigation, an exporter of the dumped imports may offer price undertakings to MOFCOM to revise its prices or to cease exporting at dumped prices. 商务部可以向出口经营者提出价格承诺的建议。 MOFCOM may suggest price undertakings to the exporter. 商务部不得强迫出口经营者作出价格承诺。 MOFCOM shall not force the exporter to enter into price undertakings. 第三十二条出口经营者不作出价格承诺或者不接受价格承诺的建议的,不妨碍对反倾销案件的调查和确定。 Article 32. The fact that exporters do not offer price undertakings, or do not accept any suggestion concerning price undertakings, shall in no way prejudice the investigation and determination of the anti-dumping case. 出口经营者继续倾销进口产品的,商务部有权确定损害威胁更有可能出现。 MOFCOM has the right to determine that a threat of injury is more likely to be realized if the exporters continue dumping the imports. 第三十三条商务部认为出口经营者作出的价格承诺能够接受并符合公共利益的,可以决定中止或者终止反倾销调查,不采取临时反倾销措施或者征收反倾销税。 Article 33. If considering that price undertakings made by exporters are acceptable and conform to the public interests, MOFCOM may decide to suspend or terminate the anti-dumping investigation without applying provisional anti-dumping measures or imposing anti-dumping duties. 中止或者终止反倾销调查的决定由商务部予以公告。 The decision to suspend or terminate the anti-dumping investigation shall be published by MOFCOM. 商务部不接受价格承诺的,应当向有关出口经营者说明理由。 If MOFCOM does not accept a price undertaking, it shall provide the reasons therefore to the exporters concerned. 商务部对倾销以及由倾销造成的损害作出肯定的初裁决定前,不得寻求或者接受价格承诺。 Price undertakings shall not be sought or accepted unless MOFCOM have made a preliminary affirmative determination of dumping and injury caused by such dumping. 第三十四条依照本条例第三十三条第一款规定中止或者终止反倾销调查后,应出口经营者请求,商务部应当对倾销和损害继续进行调查;或者商务部认为有必要的,可以对倾销和损害继续进行调查。 Article 34. After the suspension or termination of the investigation according to the provisions of Paragraph 1, Article 33 of these Regulations, upon the request of the exporters, MOFCOM may continue the investigation of dumping and injury, or MOFCOM may continue the investigation of dumping and injury when it deems necessary. 根据前款调查结果,作出倾销或者损害的否定裁定的,价格承诺自动失效;作出倾销和损害的肯定裁定的,价格承诺继续有效。 On the basis of the findings of the investigation prescribed in the preceding Paragraph, the price undertaking shall automatically lapse if a negative determination is made on dumping or injury, but shall remain in force if the determination made on dumping and injury is affirmative. 第三十五条商务部可以要求出口经营者定期提供履行其价格承诺的有关情况、资料,并予以核实。 Article 35. MOFCOM may require the exporter from whom an undertaking has been accepted to provide periodically information and documentation relevant to the fulfillment of such an undertaking, and make verification on such information and documentation. 第三十六条出口经营者违反其价格承诺的,商务部依照本条例的规定,可以立即决定恢复反倾销调查; Article 36. In the case where an exporter violates his undertaking, MOFCOM may decide to resume the anti-dumping investigations immediately in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, 根据可获得的最佳信息,可以决定采取临时反倾销措施,并可以对实施临时反倾销措施前90天内进口的产品追溯征收反倾销税,但违反价格承诺前进口的产品除外。 or on the basis of the best information available, decide to apply provisional measures and levy anti-dumping duties retroactively on the products imported within 90 days prior to the application of such provisional anti-dumping measures, except the products imported before the violation of the undertaking. 第三节反倾销税 Section III: Anti-dumping Duties 第三十七条终裁决定确定倾销成立,并由此对国内产业造成损害的,可以征收反倾销税。征收反倾销税应当符合公共利益。 Article 37. If a final determination establishes the existence of dumping and injury caused by dumping to a domestic industry, an anti-dumping duty may be imposed. Collection of anti-dumping duty shall conform to the public interests. 第三十八条征收反倾销税,由商务部提出建议,国务院关税税则委员会根据商务部的建议作出决定,由商务部予以公告。 Article 38. The proposal imposing an anti-dumping duty shall be put forward by MOFCOM; on the basis of such a proposal the State Council Tariff Commission shall make a decision which shall be published by MOFCOM. 海关自公告规定实施之日起执行。 The Customs shall implement the decision from the effective date set forth in the public notice. 第三十九条反倾销税适用于终裁决定公告之日后进口的产品,但属于本条例第三十六条、第四十三条、第四十四条规定的情形除外。 Article 39. Anti-dumping duties shall be imposed on products imported after the date of publication of the final determination, with the exception of the circumstances set forth in Articles 36, 43 and 44 of these Regulations. 第四十条反倾销税的纳税人为倾销进口产品的进口经营者。 Article 40. Anti-dumping duties shall be paid by importers of dumped imports. 第四十一条反倾销税应当根据不同出口经营者的倾销幅度,分别确定。 Article 41. Anti-dumping duties shall be determined separately on the basis of the margin of dumping established for each individual exporter. 对未包括在审查范围内的出口经营者的倾销进口产品,需要征收反倾销税的,应当按照合理的方式确定对其适用的反倾销税。 Where it is necessary to impose an anti-dumping duty on the dumped imports of an exporter who has not been included in the ongoing examination, an anti-dumping duty applicable to the exporter shall be determined in a reasonable way. 第四十二条反倾销税税额不超过终裁决定确定的倾销幅度。 Article 42. The amount of the anti-dumping duty shall not exceed the margin of dumping established in a final determination. 第四十三条终裁决定确定存在实质损害,并在此前已经采取临时反倾销措施的,反倾销税可以对已经实施临时反倾销措施的期间追溯征收。 Article 43. In the case where a final determination establishes the existence of a material injury, and provisional anti-dumping measures have been applied prior to the final determination, anti-dumping duties may be levied retroactively for the period for which provisional anti-dumping measures have been applied. 终裁决定确定存在实质损害威胁,在先前不采取临时反倾销措施将会导致后来作出实质损害裁定的情况下已经采取临时反倾销措施的,反倾销税可以对已经实施临时反倾销措施的期间追溯征收。 In the case where a final determination establishes the existence of a threat of material injury, and provisional anti-dumping measures have been applied in the situation that the absence of such provisional anti-dumping measures would have lead to a determination of injury, anti-dumping duties may be levied retroactively for the period for which provisional anti-dumping measures have been applied. 终裁决定确定的反倾销税,高于已付或者应付的临时反倾销税或者为担保目的而估计的金额的,差额部分不予收取; If the definitive anti-dumping duty determined in a final determination is higher than the provisional anti-dumping duty paid or payable, or the amount estimated for the purpose of the security, the difference shall not be collected; 低于已付或者应付的临时反倾销税或者为担保目的而估计的金额的,差额部分应当根据具体情况予以退还或者重新计算税额。 if the definitive duty is lower than the provisional anti-dumping duty paid or payable, or the amount estimated for the purpose of the security, the difference shall be refunded or the duty recalculated, as the case may be. 第四十四条下列两种情形并存的,可以对实施临时反倾销措施之日前90天内进口的产品追溯征收反倾销税,但立案调查前进口的产品除外: Article 44. When the following two circumstances exist simultaneously, an anti-dumping duty may be retroactively levied on products imported not more than 90 days prior to the date of application of provisional anti-dumping measures, except the products imported before the initiation of the investigation: (一)倾销进口产品有对国内产业造成损害的倾销历史,或者该产品的进口经营者知道或者应当知道出口经营者实施倾销并且倾销对国内产业将造成损害的; (1) there is a dumping history of the dumped imports causing injury to the domestic industry, or the importer of the dumped imports was, or should have been, aware that the exporters practice dumping and that such dumping would cause injury to the domestic industry; (二)倾销进口产品在短期内大量进口,并且可能会严重破坏即将实施的反倾销税的补救效果的。 (2) the dumped imports were massively imported in a short time and were likely to seriously undermine the remedial effect of the definitive anti-dumping duty to be applied. 商务部发起调查后,有充分证据证明前款所列两种情形并存的,可以对有关进口产品采取进口登记等必要措施,以便追溯征收反倾销税。 After launching an investigation, MOFCOM may take necessary measures, such as imposing import registration onto related imported products, where sufficient evidence exists pointing to the existence of the two circumstances listed above at the same time, in order to collect retroactive anti-dumping duties. 第四十五条终裁决定确定不征收反倾销税的,或者终裁决定未确定追溯征收反倾销税的,已征收的临时反倾销税、已收取的保证金应当予以退还,保函或者其他形式的担保应当予以解除。 Article 45. Where a final determination decides not to levy an anti-dumping duty, or does not decide a retroactive levy of an anti-dumping duty, the provisional anti-dumping duty collected and any deposit made during the period of the application of provisional anti-dumping measures shall be refunded, and any bonds or other forms of security released. 第四十六条倾销进口产品的进口经营者有证据证明已经缴纳的反倾销税税额超过倾销幅度的,可以向商务部提出退税申请; Article 46. If an importer of dumped imports can provide evidence to prove that the anti-dumping duty already paid is higher than the margin of dumping, he can apply to MOFCOM for duty refund. 商务部经审查、核实并提出建议,国务院关税税则委员会根据商务部的建议可以作出退税决定,由海关执行。 MOFCOM shall, upon examination and verification of the application, make a proposal to the State Council Tariff Commission, who shall make a decision to reimburse the extra duty on the basis of the proposal made by MOFCOM, and the Customs shall implement the decision. 第四十七条进口产品被征收反倾销税后,在调查期内未向中华人民共和国出口该产品的新出口经营者,能证明其与被征收反倾销税的出口经营者无关联的,可以向商务部申请单独确定其倾销幅度。 Article 47. After an imported product is subject to an anti-dumping duty, new exporters who have not exported the product in question to the People's Republic of China within the period of investigation, may apply to MOFCOM for a separate determination of the margin of dumping, provided that they can show that they are not related to any of the exporters who are subject to the anti-dumping duty. 商务部应当迅速进行审查并作出终裁决定。 MOFCOM shall promptly carry out a review and make a final determination. 在审查期间,可以采取本条例第二十八条第一款第(二)项规定的措施,但不得对该产品征收反倾销税。 No anti-dumping duties shall be levied on imports from such exporters or producers while the review is being carried out, but measures may be taken as provided for in Item 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 28 of these Regulations. 第五章反倾销税和价格承诺的期限与复审 Chapter V Duration and Review of Anti-dumping duties and price undertakings 第四十八条反倾销税的征收期限和价格承诺的履行期限不超过5年; Article 48. The period for the levy of an anti-dumping duty and fulfillment of a price undertaking shall not exceed 5 years. 但是,经复审确定终止征收反倾销税有可能导致倾销和损害的继续或者再度发生的,反倾销税的征收期限可以适当延长。 However, the period for the levy of the anti-dumping duty may be extended as appropriate if, as a result of the review, it is determined that the termination of the duty would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury. 第四十九条反倾销税生效后,商务部可以在有正当理由的情况下,决定对继续征收反倾销税的必要性进行复审; Article 49. After an anti-dumping duty has taken effect, MOFCOM may decide on justifiable grounds to review the need for the continued imposition of the anti-dumping duty; 也可以在经过一段合理时间,应利害关系方的请求并对利害关系方提供的相应证据进行审查后,决定对继续征收反倾销税的必要性进行复审。 such a review may also be conducted, provided that a reasonable period of time has elapsed, upon request by any interested party and on the basis of examination of the relevant evidence submitted by the interested party. 价格承诺生效后,商务部可以在有正当理由的情况下,决定对继续履行价格承诺的必要性进行复审; After a price undertaking has taken effect, MOFCOM may, on justifiable grounds, decide to review the need for the continuance of the price undertaking; 也可以在经过一段合理时间,应利害关系方的请求并对利害关系方提供的相应证据进行审查后,决定对继续履行价格承诺的必要性进行复审。 such a review may also be conducted, provided that a reasonable period of time has elapsed, upon request by any interested party and on the basis of examination of the relevant evidence submitted by the interested party. 第五十条根据复审结果,由商务部依照本条例的规定提出保留、修改或者取消反倾销税的建议,国务院关税税则委员会根据商务部的建议作出决定,由商务部予以公告; Article 50. On the basis of the findings of a review, MOFCOM shall, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, make a proposal on the retention, revision, or termination of an anti-dumping duty, and on the basis of such a proposal the State Council Tariff Commission shall, in light of the proposal made by MOFCOM, make a decision which shall be published by MOFCOM. 或者由商务部依照本条例的规定,作出保留、修改或者取消价格承诺的决定并予以公告。 MOFCOM may make a decision on the retention, revision, or termination of the price undertaking and publish the decision in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. 第五十一条复审程序参照本条例关于反倾销调查的有关规定执行。 Article 51. The review proceedings shall be conducted with reference to the relevant provisions of these Regulations on anti-dumping investigation. 复审期限自决定复审开始之日起,不超过12个月。 Any review shall be concluded within 12 months from the date of the decision of initiation of such a review. 第五十二条在复审期间,复审程序不妨碍反倾销措施的实施。 Article 52. During the period of review, the review proceedings shall not impede the application of anti-dumping measures. 第六章附则 Chapter VI - Supplementary Provisions 第五十三条对依照本条例第二十五条作出的终裁决定不服的,对依照本条例第四章作出的是否征收反倾销税的决定以及追溯征收、退税、对新出口经营者征税的决定不服的,或者对依照本条例第五章作出的复审决定不服的,可以依法申请行政复议,也可以依法向人民法院提起诉讼。 Article 53. Where any party is not satisfied with a final determination made under Article 25 of these Regulations, or not satisfied with a decision on whether or not to impose an anti-dumping duty, retroactive imposition of an anti-dumping duty, reimbursement of an anti-dumping duty or imposition of an anti-dumping duty on new exporters made under Chapter IV of these Regulations, or not satisfied with the review findings made under Chapter V of these Regulations, it may, in accordance with the law, apply for administrative reconsideration or file a lawsuit in the people's court. 第五十四条依照本条例作出的公告,应当载明重要的情况、事实、理由、依据、结果和结论等内容。 Article 54. A public notice issued under these Regulations shall contain, inter alia, important information, facts, reasoning, legal basis, findings and conclusions, etc. 第五十五条商务部可以采取适当措施,防止规避反倾销措施的行为。 Article 55. MOFCOM may take appropriate measures to prevent the circumvention of anti-dumping measures. 第五十六条任何国家(地区)对中华人民共和国的出口产品采取歧视性反倾销措施的,中华人民共和国可以根据实际情况对该国家(地区)采取相应的措施。 Article 56. Where a country (region) discriminatorily imposes anti-dumping measures on the exports from the People's Republic of China, China may, on the basis of the actual situations, take corresponding measures against that country (region). 第五十七条商务部负责与反倾销有关的对外磋商、通知和争端解决事宜。 Article 57. MOFCOM is responsible for foreign-related consultations, notification and dispute settlements concerning anti-dumping activities. 第五十八条商务部可以根据本条例制定有关具体实施办法。 Article 58. MOFCOM may, in accordance with these Regulations, formulate specific implementing measures. 第五十九条本条例自2002年1月1日起施行。1997年3月25日国务院发布的《中华人民共和国反倾销和反补贴条例》中关于反倾销的规定同时废止。 Article 59. These Regulations shall be effective as of 1 January 2002. The provisions on anti-dumping contained in the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Anti-dumping and Anti-subsidy promulgated by the State Council on 25 March 1997 shall be repealed simultaneously. 更多文章
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