发布时间:2012-3-17 0:18:00||  点击:2876次||  文章分类:口译专题||  发布人:翻译家(Fanyijia.com)

 “Happy hour” is a period of one to two hours, sometimes three hours, normally after work. So, between 4:00 and 7:00 or 5:00 and 8:00 at night where bars and restaurants often offer cheap drinks and cheap food to get people to come after their work and have a drink and eat. Let’s get started.

“Happy hour”是下班以后一到两个小时,甚至有时三小时的时间。 因此,在晚上四点到七点或者五点到八点之间酒吧和餐馆常常会提供便宜的饮料或食物来吸引顾客。 我们开始吧。

Gary: Hey, over here. I’m glad you could make it. This place has a great happy hour. Let me get the waitress, Brenda, so we can order our drinks.

Gary:嘿,这边。 你能来我太高兴了。 这家酒吧的欢乐时光很不错。 我去叫服务员Brenda,我们点喝的。

Shanise: Hi, Gary. You sound like a regular. Do you come here a lot?

Shanise:嘿,Gary。 你像是这里的常客。 你常来这里?

Gary: Yeah, I like stopping by on my way home now and then to wind down.


Shanise: Is there another barstool?


Gary: Oh, sorry. Let me get another one for you. Have a seat. What will you have?

Gary: 哦,抱歉。 我帮你问问别人。 坐吧。 你喝什么?

Shanise: I’ll have a scotch, straight up. I usually don’t drink very much. Alcohol sometimes doesn’t agree with me.

hanise:我要一杯苏格兰威士忌,什么也不加。 我一般不喝酒。 我喝了有时胃会不舒服。

I’ve had a tough day, though, and I need to loosen up.


Gary: Okay, one scotch coming up. Here comes the waitress. Okay, that’s one scotch for Shanise and a draft beer for me. On second thought, bring a pitcher of the draft beer, would you? Thanks, Brenda.

Gary:好的,一杯苏格兰威士忌很快就来了。 服务员来了。 好的,Shanise的苏格兰威士忌,我的生啤。 我想了下,改成一罐生啤,好吧? 谢谢,Brenda。

Shanise: I’m starving. The sign outside says that they have all-you-can-eatappetizers during happy hour. Is that right?

Shanise:我饿了。 外面广告写的是在欢乐时光可以随便吃开胃菜。 是吗?

Gary: Right you are, and they have specials on everything on their menu.


Shanise: I don’t usually go to happy hours, but I like this place. I’m glad you invited me to come.

Shanise:我很少来欢乐时光,但是我喜欢这里。 很高兴你能请我来这里。

Gary: Would I steer you wrong? Now let’s get some grub.

Gary:我会带你到你不喜欢的地方吗? 我们吃点东西吧。

Our dialogue begins with Gary, at a bar somewhere, saying to Shanise, “Hey, over here.” He’s getting her attention; he’s already at the bar and she is coming into the bar.

对话开始时,Gary在酒吧对Shanise说,“Hey, over here.” 他想引起她的注意;他已经在酒吧了,她才刚刚到。

Gary says, “I’m glad you could make it (I’m happy you could be here). This place has a great happy hour.” A “happy hour” is a period of time usually for a few hours after work when bars have lower prices on their drinks and food.

Gary说,“I’m glad you could make it (I’m happy you could be here). This place has a great happy hour.” “happy hour”是指下班后的一段时间,那时酒吧的饮料和食物更便宜。

Gary says, “Let me get the waitress, Brenda, so we can order our drinks.” Gary knows the name of the waitress, so he probably goes to the bar a lot.

Gary说,“Let me get the waitress, Brenda, so we can order our drinks.” Gary知道服务员的名字,所以他很可能经常到这家酒吧。

Shanise says, “Hi, Gary. You sound like a regular.” A “regular,” here, is a noun to refer to a person that goes to a restaurant, a bar, or a store very frequently and the people who work there know that person – they know his or her name. You’re a regular at a certain restaurant, for example, would mean that you go to that restaurant a lot; they know who you are. My wife and I go to certain restaurants here in Los Angeles and the waitress knows who we are, she even knows what we want to order – “the usual,” you would say, meaning what I normally get: “I’ll have the usual.”

Shanise说,“Hi, Gary. You sound like a regular.” “regular,”在这里是名词,是指某个人常去一家餐馆酒吧或者商店,那里的员工都知道他的名字了。 比如,你是一家餐馆的常客,这就意味着你常常到这家餐馆;那里的人认识你。 我和妻子常去特定一家餐馆,服务员认识我们,还知道我要点什么-你可以说“the usual,”意思是和平常一样,也可以说“I’ll have the usual.” Shanise says to Gary, “Do you come here a lot?” Obviously he does – Gary likes to drink! Shanise对Gary说,“Do you come here a lot?” 很明显他常来这里-Gary喜欢喝酒!

Gary says, “Yeah, I like stopping by on my way home now and then to wind down.” “To stop by somewhere” means to go to a place for a short period of time, usually because you are on your way to another place. So I’m going to the store, but I’m going to stop by at the pharmacy to pick up some drugs. Gary says that he likes to stop by at this bar on his “way home,” meaning when he is driving from work to home, “now and then,” meaning sometimes – once in a while.

Gary说,“Yeah, I like stopping by on my way home now and then to wind down.” “To stop by somewhere”意思是在去某个地方的路上,到一个地方停留一段时间。 因此,如果我要去商店,我在药店停下买点药。 Gary说他喜欢回家时在这里停下。“way home”意思是他下班回家时;“now and then,”意思是偶尔。

He likes to stop by to wind down. “To wind (wind) down” is a phrasal verb meaning to relax, especially at the end of a long day of work. Notice that W-I-N- D can also be pronounced “wind.” When it is pronounced “wind” instead of “wind,” it’s a noun referring to air that moves quickly.

他喜欢停下来休息。 “To wind (wind) down”是动词短语意思是休息,特别是工作一天之后。 注意,W-I-N- D也可以读作“wind【i】.” 这个单词发音是“wind【i】” 时,是一个名词,指快速移动的空气。

Shanise then says, “Is there another barstool?” A “barstool” (one word – barstool) is a tall seat, usually that has a cushion on the top for you to sit on, but it doesn’t have any what we would call “arms,” meaning there’s nothing on the side of the chair to put your arms on, and it doesn’t have a back, either. That’s a stool; a barstool is usually very tall. What is happening here is that Gary is sitting down and Shanise is standing up, and Shanise is asking for a place to sit; she wants a barstool.

Shanise之后说,“Is there another barstool?” “barstool”是指高的凳子,通常上面有个垫子,但是没有“arms,” 意思是没有放手臂的地方,也没有靠背的地方。 这就是stool;barstool一般很高。 这里是说Gary是坐着的,Shanise是站着的。Shanise问哪里有地方坐;她想坐高脚凳。

Gary says, “Oh, sorry. Let me get another one for you,” another barstool. Then he says, “Have a seat,” which is what you say to someone when you are inviting them to sit down. “Have a seat. What will you have?” Gary asks. He’s asking what Shanise wants to drink: “What will you have?” Shanise says, “I’ll have a scotch, straight up.” “Scotch” is a type of alcohol. When you have your alcohol served to you “straight up,” we mean without any ice or any other alcohol or soda or other liquids mixed in. Whisky straight up would be just whisky, nothing else: no ice, no other alcohol, no other beverage. Well, scotch is usually a pretty strong drink. Shanise orders a scotch straight up, which is not the most common drink for many women when they go to a bar, but Shanise says, “I usually don’t drink very much,” which I find hard to believe – difficult to believe if she’s ordering her scotch straight up!

Gary说,“Oh, sorry. Let me get another one for you,”令一张高脚凳。 之后他说,“Have a seat,”如果你邀请别人坐下就会这样说。 “Have a seat. What will you have?”Gary问道。 他问Shanise想喝什么:“What will you have?” Shanise说,“I’ll have a scotch, straight up.” “Scotch”是一种酒。 如果你需要酒端上来“straight up,”意思是不要冰或者其他的酒、苏打、饮料混在里面。 威士忌straight up 就是说只要苏格兰威士忌,不加其他的:冰,其他酒,其他的饮料。 对了,scotch一般指一种烈性的酒。 Shanise只要一杯威士忌什么也不加,一般女性到酒吧不会喝这种酒,但是Shanise说, “I usually don’t drink very much,” 这简直不能相信,她可喝的是烈性的纯苏格兰威士忌!

Shanise says, “Alcohol sometimes doesn’t agree with me.” When you talk about something “not agreeing with you,” we mean that it sometimes causes problems with your stomach; it sometimes makes you a little ill or sick. So, when a food or drink doesn’t agree with you, it can make you sick; that’s what you’re saying.

Shanise说,“Alcohol sometimes doesn’t agree with me.” 当你说某件事“Alcohol sometimes doesn’t agree with me.”意思是有时候胃会不舒服;有时会生病。 因此,如果食物或者饮料你不能适应,你吃了就会生病。

Shanise says, “I’ve had a tough day, though, and I need to loosen up.” She doesn’t care about getting sick; she wants to have her scotch! So, she says she wants to “loosen up,” this is a phrasal verb meaning to relax, to become less stressed and more comfortable. Certainly, drinking scotch straight up will loosen Shanise up!

Shanise说,“I’ve had a tough day, though, and I need to loosen up.” 她不担心生病;她想喝苏格兰威士忌! 因此,她说她想“loosen up,”这是个动词短语,意思是放松。 当然,喝一杯纯苏格兰威士忌会让Shanise非常放松!

Gary says, “Okay, one scotch coming up.” “Coming up,” here, means it will be served very soon, in the very near future; it’s on its way. So, he tells the waitress to get Shanise her scotch.

Gary说,“Okay, one scotch coming up.” “Coming up,”在这里,意思是很快酒会端上来。 因此,他告诉服务员为Shanise拿一杯苏格兰威士忌。

He says, “Here comes the waitress.” Then, Gary speaking to the waitress says, “Okay, that’s one scotch for Shanise and a draft beer for me.” “Draft (draft) beer” is beer that comes in a large container behind the bar, not from a bottle or a can. Draft beer is beer that a bar will have in a big case – a big container; we actually call it a “keg” (keg). That’s a big, almost like a barrel that holds the beer. The word “draft” has a couple of different meanings in English; take a look at our Learning Guide for some additional explanations. So Gary orders a draft beer for himself.

他说,“Here comes the waitress.” 之后,Gary对服务员说,“Okay, that’s one scotch for Shanise and a draft beer for me.” “Draft (draft) beer”是酒吧里面大容器装的那种,不是小瓶或罐装。 Draft beer是酒吧装在大容器里的啤酒;我们会称之为“keg。” 就像是用大桶装啤酒。 “draft”在英语中有几种不同意思;看看学习指导中一些其他解释。 因此,Gary自己点了一杯生啤。

Then he says to the waitress, “On second thought,” meaning I’ve reconsidered and I want to change my mind. “On second thought, bring a pitcher of the draft beer.” A “pitcher” is a large container that is used to hold liquids. It usually has a handle on it, where you can hold it. You have beer and soda, sometimes, put in a pitcher; you can have milk in a pitcher, lemonade in a pitcher. Restaurants will sometimes put a whole pitcher of water or soda on your table so you can just pour more of the liquid into your glasses when you need it. Perhaps Gary should also get a pitcher of scotch for Shanise!

之后,他对服务员说,“On second thought,”意思是我重新想了想,我要改变主意。 “On second thought, bring a pitcher of the draft beer.” “pitcher”是装液体的大容器。 上面有个把手,你可以握住。 有时,可以放啤酒和苏打在罐子里;或者牛奶柠檬。 餐馆有时会把一整罐水或者苏打放在桌子上。因此,如果你要,就可以倒到杯子里。 或许Gary应该给Shanise叫一罐苏格兰威士忌!

Shanise then says, “I’m starving (I’m very hungry). The sign outside says that they have all-you-can-eat appetizers.” Shanise is saying that there’s a sign outside the bar that says they have “all-you-can-eat,” meaning as much as you want to eat. Some American restaurants have all-you-can-eat food, and they put the food out and you can take as much as you want. Sometimes they have pizza, sometimes they have salad, many different kinds of all-you-can-eat. In addition to drinking a lot, apparently Shanise likes to eat a lot as well!

Shanise之后说,“I’m starving (I’m very hungry). The sign outside says that they have all-you-can-eat appetizers.” Shanise是说酒吧外面的广告说他们“all-you-can-eat,”意思是随便吃。 一些美国餐馆可以随便吃,他们把食物摆出来,你可以随便吃。 有时有披萨,有时沙拉,各种各样可以随便吃的东西。 除了很多酒,很明显Shanise也喜欢吃!

Gary says, “Right you are,” which means you are absolutely correct, you are right. “Right you are, and they have specials on everything on their menu.” A “special” is a lower than usual price on something. When you go to a restaurant, the waitress will often say to you, “Here are our specials for tonight” – here are some dishes that we don’t have, for example, on our menu, but they are available. Sometimes specials also have a lower price, and that’s what Gary is referring to here. Shanise says, “I don’t usually go to happy hours (yeah, right!), but I like this place. I’m glad you invited me to come.” Gary says, “Would I steer you wrong?” “To steer (steer) someone wrong” means to mislead someone, to take them to a place that they will not like, or to tell something to them that they won’t like. Gary says, “Would I steer you wrong?” meaning I will not steer you wrong; I will take you to somewhere that you will like. Then he says, “Now let’s get some grub.” “Grub” (grub) is an informal word for food. You don’t hear it all that often anymore, but you will sometimes hear it; it’s an informal expression for food.

Gary说,“Right you are,”意思是你说的对。 “Right you are, and they have specials on everything on their menu.” “special” 是指事物比平时便宜。 你到餐馆,服务员常常会问你,“Here are our specials for tonight”-这些是菜单上没有的食物,但是今晚会提供。 有时候特殊就是指低价,Gary在这里就是指低价。 Shanise说,“I don’t usually go to happy hours (yeah, right!), but I like this place. I’m glad you invited me to come.” Gary说,I’m glad you invited me to come.” “To steer (steer) someone wrong”意思是误导某个人,将他们带到他们不喜欢的地方,或者告诉他们不喜欢的事。 Gary说,“Would I steer you wrong?”意思是我不会把你带到不喜欢的地方的。 之后他说,“Now let’s get some grub.” “Grub”是指食物,是个非正式短语。 你不会常常听到这个词,只是有时能听到。
