专业词汇 |
发布时间:2013-9-17 12:35:00|| 点击:2268次|| 文章分类:专业词汇|| 发布人:翻译家(Fanyijia.com)
旅游、饮食服务企业会计 accounting of tourinsm and service
施工企业会计 accounting of construction enterprises
民航运输企业会计 accounting of civil aviation transportation enterprises
企业会计 business accounting
商品流通企业会计 accounting of commercial enterprises
权责发生制原则 accrual basis
农业会计 accounting of agzicultural enterprises
实现原则 realization principle
历史成本原则 pringciple of historical cost
外商投资企业会计 accounting of enterprises with foreign investment
通用报表 all-purpose financial statements
铁路运输企业会计 accounting of rail way transportation enterprises
所有者权益 owners equity
所有者权益 owners equity
实质重于形式 substance over form
修正性惯例 principlle of exceptions
信息系统论 information system perspective
相关性原则 relevance
微观会计 micro-accounting
客观性原则 objectivity
可比性原则 comparability
谨慎性原则 prudence
金融企业会计 accounting of finacial institutions
交通运输企业会计 accounting of communication and transportation enterprises
建设单位会计 accounting of construction units
记账本位币 recording currency
计量属性 measurement attributes
及时性原则 timeliness
货币计量 monetary measurement
会计准则 accounting standards
会计主体 accounting entity
会计职业道德 accounting professional ethics
会计职能 functions of accounting
会计预测 accounting for ecasting
会计要素 accounting elements
会计研究 accounting research
会计学科体系 accounting science system
会计学 accounting
会计信息 accounting information
会计任务 targets of accounting activities
会计人员 accounting personnels
会计确认 accounting recognition
会计目标 accounting objective
会计理论结构 theoretical structure of accounting
会计理论 accounting theory
会计控制 accounting control
会计决策 accounting decision making
会计监督 accounting supervision
会计假设 accounting assumption
会计记录 accounting records
会计计量 accounting measurement
会计机构 accounting department
会计环境 accounting environment
会计核算 financial accounting
会计管理体制 system of accounting admin tstration
会计分期 accounting periods
会计对象 accounting object
会计等式 accounting equation
会计本质 nature of accounting
会计报表 accounting statements
宏观会计 macro-accounting
会计 accounting
汇总报表 combination statements
划分资本性支出与收益性支出原则 distinguishment oetween capital expenditure and revenue expenditiure
合并报表 consolidated fiancial statements
管理活动论 management activities perspective
管理会计 management accounting
管理工具论 manegement tool perspective
股份制企业会计 accounting of stock companies
公认会计原则 generally accepted accounting principle,GAAP
公共会计 public accounting
工业会计 accounting of industrial enterprises
个别报表 individual statements
高新技术企业会计 accounting of high technology enterprises
负债 liability
费用 expense
反馈价值 feedback value
对外经济合作企业会计 accounting of foreign economic cooperation enter prises
对外报表 external statements
对内报表 internal statements
一致性原则 consistency
艺术论 art perspective
房地产开发企业会计 accounting of real estate enterprises
邮电通信企业会计 accounting of post and telecommonication enterprises
预测价值 forecast value
真实与公允 true and fair view
持续经营 going concern
成本报表 cost statement
财务会计原则 finanicial accounting principles
财务会计概念框架 financial accounting conceptual framework
财务会计 financial accounting
政府及非营利组织会计 governmentai and non-profit organizationaccounting
重要性原则 materiality
专用报表 special purpose financial statements
资产 assets
资金 funds
资金运动 funds movement
财务报告 financial report
财务报表要素 elements of financial statements
财务报表 financial statements
币值稳定假设 constant-dollar assumption
保险企业会计 accounting of insurance companies 更多文章