高盛财经词典 - 汉英对照 R
发布时间:2013-9-21 14:12:00||  点击:2563次||  文章分类:专业词汇||  发布人:翻译家(Fanyijia.com)

热门发行 Hot Issue An issue that sells at a premium over the public offering price on the first day of trading.
热钱 Hot Money Money that flows regularly between financial markets in search for the highest short term interest rates possible.
认购不足 Undersubscribed When the demand for a new issue of securities (IPO) is less than the number of shares issued. This is sometimes referred to as an underbooking.
认股权证 Warrant A derivative security that gives the holder the right to purchase securities (usually equity) from the issuer at a specific price within a certain time frame.
认股权证比重 Warrant Coverage An agreement between a company and its shareholders whereby the company issues warrants equal to some percentage of the dollar amount of the shareholder's investment.
认股权证溢价 Warrant Premium The premium paid for the rights associated with a warrant.
人寿保险 Life Insurance A protection against the lost income that would result if the insured were to pass away. The named beneficiary receives the proceeds and is thereby safeguarded from financial impacts of the death of the insured.
日经指数 Nikkei The leading and most respected index of Japanese stocks.
日历年 Calendar Year The year that begins January 1 and ends December 31
融资资本充实 Leveraged Recapitalization A strategy where a company takes on significant additional debt with the purpose of either paying a large dividend or repurchasing shares. The result is a far more financially leveraged company.
融资租赁 Leveraged Lease A lease agreement wherein the lessor, by borrowing funds from a lending institution, finances the purchase of the asset being leased.
软货币 Soft Currency Another name for "weak currency," there is very little demand for this type of currency and values often fluctuate.
软贷款 Soft Loan
  1. A loan with a below-market rate of interest.
  2. Loans made by multinational development banks and the World Bank to developing countries. Typically, soft loans have extended grace periods in which only interest or service charges are due, in addition to offering longer amortization schedules and lower interest rates than conventional bank loans.
软商品 Soft Commodity Used to describe commodities such as coffee, cocoa, sugar and fruit. This term generally refers to commodities that are grown, rather than mined.
软通货、纸币 Soft Money
  1. Government and organizations refer to this as 'one time' funding for a project or special purpose.
  2. Describes paper currency, as opposed to gold, silver, or some other coined metal.
软着陆 Soft Landing A term used to describe a rate of economic growth high enough to avoid recession, but slow enough to avoid high inflation.
Russell 2000指数 Russell 2000 Index An index that measures the performance of the 2,000 smallest companies in the Russell 3000 Index. The Russell 2000 serves as a benchmark for small-cap stocks.
