高盛财经词典 - 汉英对照 E
发布时间:2013-9-21 14:18:00||  点击:2458次||  文章分类:专业词汇||  发布人:翻译家(Fanyijia.com)

额外回报 Excess Return Returns in excess of the risk-free rate or in excess of a market measure (such as an index fund).
恶性通货膨胀 Hyperinflation Extremely rapid or out of control inflation.
恶意收购 Hostile Takeover A takeover attempt that is strongly resisted by the target firm.
二级发行 Secondary Offering A sale of securities in which one or more major stockholders in a company sell all or a large portion of their holdings. The underwriting proceeds are paid to the stockholders, rather than to the corporation.
二级市场 Secondary Market A market in which an investor purchases an asset from another investor, rather than an issuing corporation.
二级资本 Tier 2 Capital A term used to describe the capital adequacy of a bank. Tier II capital is secondary bank capital that includes items such as undisclosed reserves, general loss reserves, subordinated term debt, and more.
