发布时间:2011-7-16 14:44:00||  点击:5199次||  文章分类:专业词汇||  发布人:翻译家(Fanyijia.com)

abrasive paper 砂纸

abrasive base paper 砂纸原纸

absorbing paper 吸水纸;吸收性纸

account book paper 帐簿纸

accounting machine paper 计算机用纸

acid-free paper 无酸纸

acid-proof paper 耐酸纸

acid resistant paper 耐酸纸

acoustic paper 隔音纸

actinometer paper 溴化银印相纸

active paper 吸湿纸

adding machine paper 计算机用纸

address label paper 地址标签纸

adhesive paper 胶粘纸

advertising paper 广告纸,招贴纸

agate paper 仿大理石纸

agate marble paper 仿玛瑙大理五石纹纸

age resistant paper 耐老化纸

air paper 航空信纸

air-dried paper 风干纸

air-filtration paper 空气滤纸

air-knife coated paper 气刀涂布纸

air-mail paper 航空信纸

air-proof paper 不透气纸

air-tight paper 气密纸

alabaster paper 名片纸

alabaster paper 薄纸

albumenized paper 蛋白胶纸,蛋白纸

albumin paper 蛋白胶纸

aligning paper 地图纸

alkali-proof paper 耐碱纸

all rag paper 全棉纤维纸

all-wood paper 全木浆纸

allogator imitation paper 仿鳄皮纸

alpha printing paper 西班牙草浆印刷纸

alpha-writing paper 西班牙草浆书写纸

aluminum paper 铝纸

aluminum-castling paper 铝衬纸

aluminum-coated paper 铝涂布纸

aluminum-dusted paper 铝粉纸

aluminum-foil backing paper 铝箔衬纸

aluminum diaphragm paper 石棉隔膜纸

aluminum (electrical)insulating paper 石棉(电)绝缘纸

aluminum wall paper 石棉壁纸

aseptic paper 消毒纸,防腐纸

ash less paper 无灰纸

ash filter paper 无灰滤纸

aluminum laminated paper 铝箔夹层纸

amber laid paper 琥柏条纹纸

ammunition paper 弹药筒纸

amplitude response recording paper 频率感应记录纸

analytical filter paper 分析化学用滤纸

angle paper 斜面纸

angle-cut yarer 斜截面纸

angular paper 斜角纸

animal tub-sized paper 动物胶表面施胶纸

anti-acid paper 耐酸纸,抗酸纸

anti-acid manila paper 耐酸马尼拉纸

anti-corrosion paper 防蚀纸

anti-falsification paper 仿伪造纸

anti-fungicide paper 防霉纸

anti-fusion paper 服装剪裁用纸

anti-tarnish paper 防锈纸

anti-rust base paper 防锈原纸

anti-tarnish paper 防锈纸

antique paper 低光泽纸,仿古纸

antique book paper 仿古书籍纸

antique-bristol paper 仿古整饰光泽厚纸

antique-cover paper 仿古整饰封面纸

antique-eggshell paper 粗糙表面仿白纸粗糙表面仿白纸

antique-glazed paper 低光泽纸

antique-printing paper 仿古印刷纸,低光泽印刷纸

anti-rust paper 防锈纸

antiseptic paper 杀菌纸

antitarnish paper 保光泽纸

apricot paper 粉红色水果包装纸

aquare(le) paper 水彩图画纸,水彩画纸

archival paper 档案纸

armature paper 绝缘纸

aromatic paper 香料纸

arsenical paper 含砷纸

art paper 美术纸,铜版纸,涂料纸

art-cover paper 美术装饰纸

art-drawing paper 水彩例纸

art-poster paper 美术广告纸;美工宣传纸

articulating paper 牙科用纸

artificial leather paper 人造革纸
artificial parchment paper 仿羊皮纸

asbestos paper 石棉纸

asbestos base paper 钡地原纸,照相原纸

asphalt paper 防潮纸,沥青纸,柏油纸

asphalt base paper 沥青原纸

asphalt coated paper 沥青涂布纸

asphalt laminated paper 沥青层合纸

asphalt saturated paper 防潮纸,沥青纸

asphalt moisture proof paper 防潮纸,沥青纸

asphalt sheathing paper 涂布防潮纸,沥青涂布纸

asphalting paper 防潮纸,沥青纸

asthma paper 防喘纸

atlas paper 地图纸,绘图纸,印图纸

autochion printing paper 彩色印刷纸

auto copy paper 压感复写纸

autograph paper 纪念册纸

autographic register paper 自动(划线)记录纸

autographic transfer paper 复印纸

automobile-bag paper 汽车袋用纸

automobile tire roll paper 轮胎包装纸

autotype paper 复制纸,影印纸

avenue paper 食品包装纸

azure laid(writing) paper 蓝条纹书写纸

A printing A级印刷纸(含漂白磨木浆)

absolute humidity 绝对湿度

absolute temperature 绝对温度

absorbency of paper 纸张吸收性能

absorbent 吸收性的,吸收剂

absorbent paper 吸水纸,易吸墨的印刷纸

addition agent 添加剂

additional agent 添加剂

autotype pigment paper 碳素纸

autogtaphic printing paper 转写纸

autographic stencil paper 誊写版蜡纸

articulating paper 双面复写纸

artificial parchment 仿硫酸纸

artist's illustration board 绘图用厚纸

ash content 灰分纸张

Ashcroft tester 纸张耐破裂度测试仪

ashless filter paper 无灰滤纸

art board 涂料板纸

art vellum 仿羊皮纸

antitarnish paper 防锈纸

antiquarian 纸张尺寸
antifalsification paper 防伪造纸

animal parchment 羊皮纸

anopisthographic block book 单面印刷的木版纸

A flute A级瓦楞纸波形数

abaca(Musa texilis) 马尼拉麻,蕉麻

abele(Populus alba) 银白杨

abienol 松香醇

abies 冷杉属

abietate 松香酸酯

abieteae(Abietoideae) 冷杉(亚科),松亚科

abietene 松香烯

abietic acid 松香酸

abrader 研磨机

abrading machine 研磨机

abrasion 磨损,磨蚀

abrasion resistance 抗磨性能

abrasion test 耐磨试验

abrasion t3ester 耐磨试验机

abrasive 磨损的,磨蚀的

abrasive acrion 磨蚀作用

abrasive fiber 砂纸原纸用纤维

abrasive grain 磨(料)粒(度)

abrasive machine 研磨机

abrasive resistance 抗磨性能

abrasive tester 耐磨试验机

abrasiveness 磨蚀

absolute alcohol 无水酒精

absolute alcohol dry 绝干

absolute alcohol humidity 绝对湿度

absolute alcohol temperature 绝对温度

absolute unit 绝对单位

absorb 吸收

absorbability 吸收性能

absorbed water 吸收水

absorbency 吸收能力;吸收本领

absorbent 吸收剂

absorbent felt 吸水毛毯

absorber 吸收器,吸收剂,减震器

absorbing capacity 吸收能力

absorbing capacity column 吸收塔

absorbing capacity pad 防震垫

absorbing capacity power 吸收能力

absorbing capacity quality 吸收性能;吸收能力
absorbing capacity tower 吸收塔

absorption 吸收作用

absorption ability 吸收能力

absorption band 吸收光带

absorption coefficient 吸收系数

absorption measurement 吸收测定

absorption rate 吸收率

absorption spwctrum 吸收光谱

absorption tester 吸收试验仪

absorption tower 吸收塔

absorptive capacity 吸收能力

absorptivity 吸收能力,吸收率

acacia (Acacia) 金合欢(属)

acacia false (Robinia psendon cacia L.) 刺槐;洋槐

acacia gum 金合欢胶

accelerant 催速剂,促进剂,加速剂

accelerated ageing 加速老化

accelerated cement 速凝水泥

accelerated oxidation 加速氧化

accelerated weathering 人工加速风干

accelerating agent 催速剂,促进剂

accelerator 加速器,促进剂

acceptability 合格率

acceptable fiber 合格纤维

accepted chips 合格木片

accepted chips product 合格产品

accepted chips stock 合格浆料

acceptance sampling system 合格率抽样系统

acceptance sampling system test 合格率检查

accepts 合格品;良浆

access time 存取时间,选取时间,信息发送时间

accessibility 可及度

accessory 附件;零件

a.c. commutator motor 整流式交流电动机

accident prevention 技术保安措施

accidental error 偶(然误)差

accordion fold 手风琴式折纸法

accumulation 累积,蓄积,储积,堆积

accumulator 储存槽,回收槽;蓄电池;污热水槽

accumulator acid (亚硫酸盐制浆)回收酸

accumulator relief 储存槽排气,回收槽排气

accumulator tank 储存槽,回收槽,污热水槽

accuracy 准确(度,性);精密(度,性)

acer 枫树,槭树
acetal 乙缩醛,乙醛缩二乙醇

acetaldehyde 乙醛

acetate 醋酸盐;醋酸酯;醋酸根(或基)

acetate fiber 醋酸纤维

acetate film 醋酸盐胶片

acetate rayon 醋酸人造丝

acetic acid 醋酸

acetic acid anhydride 醋(酸水)解

acetone 丙酮

acetonitrile 乙腈

aceto-veratrone 乙酰藜芦酮

acetyl 乙酰(基)

acetyl cellulose 醋酸纤维素

acetyl vanilloyl 乙酰基香草酰

acetylate 乙酰化,乙酰化产物

acetylation 乙酰化(作用)

achromatic 消色的,消色差的

acid accumulator (酸液)回收锅(或槽)

acid accumulator alizarin dye 茜素染料,1,2-二羟基蒽醌染料

acid accumulator alum 酸性明矾

acid accumulator bath 酸溶;脱酸槽

acid accumulator bleaching 酸性漂白

acid accumulator chloride 酸性氯化物

acid accumulator circulation 酸液循环

acid accumulator composition 酸液组成

acid accumulator dye(stuff) 酸性染料

acid accumulator extract 酸抽提

acid accumulator fastness 耐酸度

acid accumulator filter 滤酸器

acid accumulator fortitying system 酸液强化系统

acid accumulator free 无酸的,脱酸的,不含酸的

acid accumulator group 酸根(或基)

acid accumulator halide 酸性卤化物

acid accumulator insoluble lignin 酸不溶木素

acid accumulator lignin 酸木素

acid accumulator line 酸液管道

acid accumulator liquor 酸液

acid accumulator maker 制酸工

acid accumulator making 制酸

acid accumulator number 酸值

acid accumulator penetration 酸液渗透,酸液浸透

acid accumulator plant 制酸车间

acid accumulator preheater 酸液预热器
acid accumulator press (羊皮纸机用)压酸辊

acid accumulator proof enamel 防酸搪瓷

acid accumulator prmp 酸泵

acid accumulator recovery plant 酸液回收车间

acid accumulator reduction 酸性还原

acid accumulator resistance 耐酸性能,耐酸强度

acid accumulator resistant 耐酸合金

acid accumulator tesistant brick 耐酸砖

acid accumulator tesisting bronze 耐酸铜

acid accumulator resisting felt 耐酸毛毯

acid accumulator resisting mortar 耐酸灰泥

acid accumulator resisting paint 耐酸油漆

acid accumulator resisting steel 耐酸铜

acid accumulator resisting tile 耐酸砖

acid accumulator rosin size 酸性松香胶

acid accumulator settling basin 酸液澄清槽

acid accumulator salt 酸式盐

acid accumulator size 酸性施胶剂

acid accumulator soluble 酸溶(性)

acid accumulator soluble lignin 酸溶性木素

acid accumulator souring 酸处理

acid accumulator stable size 酸稳性施胶剂

acid accumulator storage 贮酸槽

acid accumulator strength 酸液浓度

acid accumulator sulfite 酸性亚硫酸盐

acid accumulator tank 酸槽

acid accumulator tower 制酸塔,酸塔

acid accumulator trap 分酸器

acid accumulator treatment 酸处理

acid accumulator treatment tower 酸处理塔

acid accumulator tub 酸槽

acid accumulator wash 酸洗

acid accumulator water 酸水

acidic 酸的,酸性的

acidification 酸化(作用)

acidifier 酸化器;酸化剂

acidified water 酸化水

acidify 酸化

acidity 酸度

acidity control 酸度控制

acidolysis 酸解

acidometer 酸度计,PH计,酸(液)比重计

acidproof 耐酸的

acidproof brick 耐酸砖
acidproof cement 耐酸水泥

acidproof lining 耐酸衬里

acifulate 酸化

acoustic insulation 隔音

acoustic insulation properties 声学性质

Aeroart 高密度聚乙烯合成纸(美国Aeroline产品,商业名称)

across grain 横纹理

acrylamide 丙烯酰胺

acrylate 丙烯酸盐

acrylic acid 丙烯酸

acrylic acid bound coating 丙烯酸盐涂布

acrylic acid compound 丙烯酯化合物

acrylic acid emulsion 丙烯乳液

acrylic acid fiber 丙烯纤维

acrylonitrile 丙烯腈

acrylonitrile butadiene rubber latex 丙烯腈,丁二烯其聚体乳胶

activared carbon 活性碳

activared carbon clay 活性白上

activared carbon silica 活性硅

activared carbon sludge 活性污泥

activared carbon sulfur 活性硫酸

activation 活性(作用)

active alkali 活性碱

active alkali alkali to wood ration 碱比,活性碱对木材量的比率

active alkali carbon 活性碳

active alkali chemical to wood ratio 碱比,用碱量

active alkali chlorine 有效氯

active alkali lime 有效石灰

active alkali sulfur 有效硫酸

active alkali surface 活性表面

activity 活性度

actual volume 有效容积,实际容积

actual volume weight 实际重量,有效重量

actuating signal 驱动信号,作用信号

actuation time 动作时间

actuator 驱动器;执行机构;激励器

acylate 酰化;酰化产物

acylation 酰化(作用)

adapter 接合器;连接器;接头

addition compound 加成化合物

addition compound polymer 加成聚合物

addition compound product 加成产物

addition compound reaction 加成反应
additional acid tank 辅助贮酸槽,辅助酸液槽

additional dryer 附加烘缸

additive 添加剂

additive reaction 加成反应

adherence 粘附

adherent 粘附的

adhesion 粘附(现象);粘附力

adhesion of wet web 湿纸胎粘附现象

adhesion strength 粘附强度

adhesion tester 粘附力测定仪

adhesive 粘附剂,粘合剂,胶粘剂,粘着剂;胶粘的

adhesive capacity 粘附能力;胶粘度

adhesive dissolving tank 溶胶桶

adhesive felt 衬底用纸板

adhesive force 胶粘力,粘着力,粘附力

adhesive glassine tank 粘胶槽

adhesive (glassine)tape 胶(带)纸

adhesive migration 胶粘剂的迁移

adiabatic condition 绝热状态,绝热情况

adiabatic condition eficiency 绝热效率

adiabatic cindition expansion 绝热膨胀

adiabatic cindition throtling 绝热调节

adipo-cellulose 含脂纤维素

adjective color 间接染料

adjust 调节,调整;修正

adjustable bow curved roll (可调节)弧形辊,(可调)弓形辊

adjustable bow curved roll orifice 可调锐板

adjustable bow curved roll speed motor 调速电动机

adjusting color 调色

adjusting color device 调节装置

adjusting color screw 调节螺旋

adjusting color controls 调节控制器

admission valve 进气阀;进浆阀

admixture 掺和剂;掺和,混合

adsorb 吸附

adsorbability 吸附性(能)

adsorbate (被)吸附物;吸附质

adsorbed water 吸附水

adsorbent 吸附剂,吸附的

adsorption 吸附(作用)

adsorptive capncity 吸附能力

adsorptivity 吸附性(能)

adulf wood 成年材

advanced water treatment AWT 污水处理法,(污水)三级处理
aerate 曝气,充气

aerated lagoon 曝气塘

aeration 曝气,充气

aeration basin 曝气塘

aeration tank 充气槽,充气罐

aerator 曝气机

aerobic 需氧的

aerobic bacteria 好氧细菌,需氧细菌

aerobic treatment 充氧处理

aerogel 气凝胶

aeromix wet scrubber 文丘里型洗涤塔

affinity 亲力,亲合势;亲合能,亲合性

afforestation 造体

after dryer 后部烘缸组

after dryer sizing 后施胶,表面施胶

afrer dryer treatment 后处理

agalite 滑石

agar 琼脂

agave 龙舌兰

aged wood 老化材

ag(e)ing 老化

agglomerate 附聚(作用);烧结(作用)

agglutinant 烧结剂;凝集剂

agglomeration 聚集体

agitating valve 搅拌浆

agitation 搅拌(作用)

agitator 搅拌器

aging quality 耐久性;老化性能

aging quality resistance 抗老化性能

aging quality test 老化试验

Ahlfors screen Ahlfors 木片筛

aid 促进剂,辅助剂

air bells (水印辊构成的)气泡(纸病)

air bells blade 气刀

air bells blast duster 风选机

aidr bells blast system 鼓风系统;风选系统

air bells bleed press 抽气压榨,吸风压榨

air bells blower 鼓风机

air bells blowing roll 热风辊

air bells borne drying 气垫干燥,气托干燥

air bells brake 空气制动器,风闸

air bells brush 气刷

air bells bubble (空)气泡
air bells cap(drying) 热风罩(干燥)

air bells chamber 通风室

air bells channel 通风道

air bells chip distributor 风送木片分布器

air bells compressor 压缩空气机,空压机

air bells condenser 空气冷凝器

air bells conditioner 空气调节装置,空调设施

air bells conditioning equipment 空气调节装置,空调设施

air bells content 空气含量
